- nine hours -

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Reid's PoV:

I walk beside Mathew again after he chased to catch up with me. The minute I walked away from him when I said those words, had me feeling more confident than I was during the whole ordeal with him. I really thought he was going to kiss me, I thought that every time he lowered himself towards my face, we would kiss, but that kiss on my lips never came and now all my lips are begging for his, for him to kiss me. I do want him to lay his beautiful plump lips against mine, I want to know what he tastes like, what his lips feel like, I want to know how my body will react when he does. I know we will, it is just a matter of when Mathew will kiss me or do I have to make the first move?

But I am playing the game with him now, the game that he wanted me to play with all along and I know he is going to eat that up. I know I like Mathew more than I care to admit but the more confident I seem on the outside, the more he will realise his attempts of making me fall in love with him are futile, but are they?

I cannot stop thinking about how my name rolls off his tongue like it is meant to. I cannot stop thinking about the sensations I got in my stomach when he lowered his mouth to mine. I cannot stop thinking about how much my body reacts to his touch. He is making it harder and harder for me to still believe that love doesn't exist, when I feel it is slowly happening to me.

God, I know I am going to regret stepping on that plane tonight. I know I am going to miss Mathew more than anything when I go. I just wish we could have met ages ago, who knows where we could be right now if I had have met Mathew before today. Would we be together in a relationship? How long would we have been together? Would I even be going to England for university if I had met him before now? I don't know and it is those questions that have me wanting more from him.

"Now you've gone quiet." Mathew speaks up as we make a turn into a shopping centre. "I miss hearing your voice."

My heart reacts like I thought it would when he spoke those words, completely hammering against my chest that I fear I am going to throw it up. Either Mathew is being a big flirt or he is being genuine, I don't know because I have never had a guy talk to me like this before. And that is the scary part. I don't know how I will feel truly until I get on that plane. I don't know how much he will truly mean to me until I leave him. I don't even know if Mathew is just saying these words so he can get me to fall in love with him and win the game we are playing.

Maybe I should take a page from his book. Maybe I should flirt with him, even though it is going to be horrible. I mean it wont hurt, right?

"Oh I was just thinking about how I want to kiss you." I reply to him, my heart hammering away in my chest as I spoke those words. I am not lying though, I do mean what I said. I do want to kiss him, and I do want to carry on whatever we have started to the very end, even if that end is forever with him

"I can make it happen." Mathew tells coming to a stop. He brings me closer to him, which results in my heart beating even faster. I can hear it thumping in my ears as he grows closer to me. He uses his free hand to hold the back of my neck, his fingers threading through my hair.

"Oh really?" I mutter seductively raising an eyebrow towards him, trying my best to flirt with him.

Mathew chuckles and lets go off my hand, it comes up to my lips and he lets his thumb run along my bottom lip sending multiple tingles to my stomach. "Yes, really."

"You seem so confident that I'm going to let you kiss me." I reply quietly, loud enough for Mathew to hear. I may seem confident on the outside, but I am completely weak at the knees inside. If Mathew wasn't holding me, I would have collapsed already at what we are doing, and not to mention how hot it is. My feelings are running away with it as he stands above me, his breath fanning my lips as he doesn't move his eyes from them. Gosh, I can only imagine what would happen if we weren't in a public space.

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