- seven hours -

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A/N: Hi there! Just a quick disclaimer, the first half of this chapter deals with a sex scene so please read at your own risk. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

My back is shoved against the wall in the entrance to Mathews apartment, his foot kicking the door closed without lifting his lips from mine. My hands thread their way through his hair, grasping at it when my stomach bubbles with butterflies. I don't know what happened, one minute we were standing in the rain talking and next minute we are kissing intensely in his apartment.

I gasp softly when Mathew moves his lips off mine, placing them against my neck and gently nibbling my skin with his teeth. His right hand is resting on my neck while his other is on my waist, sneakily pulling my shirt up to show my skin. I am in shock at what is happening right now, but I am also not. I knew this was coming, the tension between us was crazy that I was expecting it sooner rather than now. But inside my thoughts I am having conflicting feelings about what we are about to do. I am so happy, so happy to finally being able to kiss Mathew and having us go the extra length with both our consent. But I am so nervous, I have never done anything like this before with a man, I am still a virgin and having someone as beautiful as Mathew to be able to have my first time with, I can't help but be nervous. And I am also freaking out because Mathew and I are about to have sex, both enjoying our bodies connecting, and then after I am leaving him and traveling across the world, I feel dirty that I am about to do this with him but I can't stop myself. I find myself wanting him more and more, and for once I am going to let myself fall into his trap and meet him half way.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Mathew mutters huskily, his face coming up from my neck. His dark eyes are even darker now as lust fills them, his breathing hard and heavy. I feel myself go weak at the knees as I reach out and touch his lower stomach, my hands grasping at his shirt and pulling it over his head, throwing it somewhere in his apartment. I stare in awe at his torso, I was right, he is toned and beautiful.

Mathew takes a step forward, his hand running up from my waist across my breast and stopping at the base of my neck, my whole body tingling under his touch. "I don't know how I have been able to control myself for so long." Mathew says pressing his body against mine, his larger frame covering my body completely.

"Me too, you're so hot." I moan feeling Mathew press himself against my body. Mathew smiles widely, his row of pearly white teeth showing as he brushes away my hair from my neck.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mathew whispers lowering his mouth close to mine again. While inside my thoughts battle, my heart reacts first and I place my lips on Mathews. His hands move down towards the back of my thighs, giving them a squeeze and then lifts me up effortlessly, my legs wrapping around his waist to keep me in place against him. Mathew carries me to his room, his lips against mine as he does.

When we enter his room he lets me down gently, his lips leaving mine and I miss them instantly. They are soft when he kisses me, but then he gets rougher when I kiss him back. I feel myself involuntarily gasp when Mathew grabs the bottom of my shirt, he lifts it over my head and throws it to the floor. I stand there vulnerable in my bra, my heart racing in my chest as Mathew stares at the top half of my body. Having being this my first time, I don't know how to react to what is going on and that is why I move my arms and hug them around my waist to shield Mathew's eyes from my body.

Mathew steps forward, a hand resting on my shoulder while the other moves to my chin and tilts my head up to look at him in the eyes. "Don't be nervous, I'm going to take care of you." Mathew tells letting the hand from my shoulder fall to my hands. He looks down at my body, slowly removing my arms from my waist so he can see the top half of my body again. A smile grows to his lips as it looks like he is admiring my body for what it is.

ONE DAY [ MATHEW BARZAL ]Where stories live. Discover now