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Jisoo's POV

As we arrived with the Cherry Fire and Bangtan. They we're all shock to our home because it was kinda a big as we just laugh to they're expression. As I saw Lisa just looking down and her tears was falling. As I came to her and talk. "Unnie, is this how it hurts when you lost a person that you love?" Lisa suddenly asked me as I was Jishook as she knew it was me.

"Ah~, Lisa. It truly hurts. Lisa, cheer up and wipe that tear. We have a new mission. You are a strong maknae and fighter, right? Let's move on to the next chapter of our lives." I tried to cheer her up.

"Unnie, thank you for being here for us. Not just let go. So leggo!" She said as she wipe here tears and wear a big smile again. "Let's go. B*tches and CF (Cherry Fire) plus BTS." Jennie said as she opened the front gate.

"Jennie, you know I think Teddy Oppa is mad at us. Like I can imagine his face." I said as Jennie was laughing and imagining what am I imagining.

"Let's go. There is the meeting room." Chaeyoung quickly guided them as she was wanting a new gadget plus she really want one.

As we open it. We saw Sajangnim. "S-Sajangnim." Lisa stuttered as Sajangnim and Teddy Oppa laugh at Lisa's reaction. "Wae? I-I thought your dead S-Sajangnim. S-Sajangnim, I cried because I thought you are dead." Lisa said as she cried and Sajangnim's face softened as she saw Lisa cry.

As she hugged Sajangnim and she maybe a cold girl but she have a soft spot for the people she love. "Ok, so it's all a prank so let's end this drama. I don't want to cry right now ,so what is our mission?" I said as Lisa just rolled her eyes as with the other and sat on our designated sits.

"This mission can end life." Teddy Oppa said as we we're shocked by his words. "Is there any meet them because we have a idea." Chaeyoung sais as they look at us with a smirk as we smirked back to her. "What are you planning?" Sajangnim asked as Teddy Oppa rolled his eyes as he knows that we play dirty.

"So, this is our plan. We will meet them as we will have a deal to them. Then, some of us will pretend to be innocent and be a member of them and as they will change they're name too. As you know Chaeyoung and Lisa knows how people disappear from one click so we will make it like that. Then, if they ate our trap they will be targeted by it as we will do this plan to them but we have a special plan that is more than that and no one will know it." Jennie said as she receive a nod from Sajangnim and Teddy Oppa.

"We will not do that. We will do the tradition and no one will play dirty." Sajangnim said as we just smirk. "Sajangnim, there is no one who play fair and square. They all play dirty as we have to do our own special plan." I said as we started to look at each other. "We will leave our business is done and we still have to ready our plan. Almost all the Mafia's in the world plays dirty. Remember that." I said as we stand up from our sit and leave the meeting room.

"Unnie, so I will call Jackson." Jennie asked and just nodded as she nod back to me and quickly leave the place she was standing at and quickly call Jackson Wang ,our childhood friend. We called him as I know he is at that group and at the sub-unit called Got7 as she called her our two maknae's are nervous.

"Unnie, should we really do it?" Chaeyoung asked as she was nervous of Sajangnim that he will not support us. "Get ready and go to the training room so you two will regain strength and no diet, ok?" I commanded and them as they parted ways to they're room as I go to my room and as I wear proper clothes for my training.

As I wore this clothes.

As I got down I saw Lisa and Chaeyoung wearing this.

Lisa's outfit

Chaeyoung's outfit

As Jennie just got out of her room and dumbfounded of what are we wearing. "Where are you guys going?" She asked and I answered. "To the training grounds." As she just gave me a simple not and she got out to her room wearing this.

Jennie's outfit

"Is my outfit, fine?" Jennie asked as we just gave a simple nod and thumb's up. As we all go to our training grounds. I quickly go to the punching bags. as we start our own training by ourselves. My phone suddenly rang and it's from Jackson. As I quickly answer it.

"Hello? Jackson?" I answered. "Oh! Hello, Jisoo. The thing that Jennie said. I will accept it." Jackson quickly said. "Woah, jinjja Oppa." I said as I didn't expect Jackson Oppa will say yes as he is a loyal person but what if Jackson Oppa is the one who is targeting us. "oppa, I have to go." I said as I hung up.

As I am clearing my mind as Jackson Oppa is not that trustworthy for me as he has a biggest secret that I never knew. He is keeping that secret as I know we are Mafia's and we will fight with each other. We will fight in our way just wait.

As they're weakness are seeing they're leader dead. As we will play dirty and you will never like it when it comes to us fighting dirty. As I am doing karate. I want to kill a person as I am fuming in anger. 

This maybe the last time of our life but I may remind them that live our die we will be forever sisters.

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Author's note:

I am sorry for not updating 2 chapter's. This story is hard for me because this is very tricky and I don't really do action scene's because I am not the person who likes action and something. So, what do you think will happen to they're big fight.

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l  a  l  i  m  i  r

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