Chapter 3

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Brielle's POV:

I am so nervous. We have one day until magcon starts! I grabbed a huge suitcase and plopped it on my bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed underwear, bras, and socks. I put it in my suitcase. I grabbed high waisted shorts, yoga pants, crop tops, sweaters, and dresses. I grabbed converse, vans, combat boots, and flip flops. I loaded it all into my suitcase. I put accessories for my hair in too.

I walked to Nash's room and he was also getting ready. "I'm nervous." I said to him. "Eh, don't be, it's really fun." He said trying to calm me. "There's suppose to be new girls come, um I forgot their names, um." He stood their thinking. "Any day now!" I said impatiently. "I GOT IT! Briana Flyod and Rose Flyod!" He said. "Ok, that's nice to get to meet new friends." I said excited. "They are suppose to be super nice!" He said while throwing clothes on his bed. He knows I hate unfolded clothes. I sat on his bed and folded every single clothing. When I was done, he was on his phone. Lazy. I walked back to my room. I was getting a FaceTime call from Taylor. I answered. "Hey!" I said. "Hey, um, Brielle." "Ya?" "I, um, really you." I blushed "I like you too" I said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" OMG HE FINALLY ASKED. I need to breathe. "YES OF COURSE, I mean, um, ya of course."I said with a huge smile. "Ok, well I gotta go pack so bye!" "Bye!" It's official. #Telle




My alarm goes off at 5:30. The plane leaves at 8:30 and we have to be there earlier!

I jump out of bed and take a shower. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I put on mascara and light pink lipstick. I rush to my room with no towel,, oops. I pick out a hot pink crop top with Daisies on it, black high waisted shorts and blue converses. I go down stairs to eat breakfast. I stop in my tracks.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" I yell. They stare at me. Nash and Hayes have bought a cat and put it on the kitchen table. "IM HIGHLY ALLERGIC!" I scream as I back up. My dad come running down. "Boys, get rid of that thing! Elle, Grab my keys and go out to breakfast right now." "Ok thanks dad!" I grab his keys and out I go.

"One egg mc muffin, a hash brown, and a small coffee extra extra please." "Will that be it?" "Yes." "Next window, 5.49" I pull up. I hand her the money and go to the next window. "Thank you." I say. I pull into a parking spot. I take two bits of my sandwich and then back of a leave.

I grab my suitcase off my bed and roll in down the stairs.



I give my dad a big hug, next skylynn, then will. "Bye guys love you! I say as me, Nash and Hayes walk away. I give the lady my ticket and then get checked for weapons. We walk to the plane and get on. I'm next to the window and Nash is next to me, thank god. I have never been on an airplane and Nash helps me calm down. I wrap our arms and he says, "Your gonna be fine." I smiled. We were officially on our way to my first Magcon tour.

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