Chapter 3, Rise and Fall. Part 1

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{Tom's Pov}

"Ah!" I shouted.

"Tom, you ok?" Edd asked, I nodded my head.

"Good," Edd says as usual...

It's been one or two weeks.

I have founded edd and matt,

but I'm worried about us not eventually escaping in time.

And how in the world is Boris alive? I-i saw him dead.


I was walking, eventually. I have now found out that joey has an ink machine.
As I was walking,

I saw someone familiar... No, no, no, no, no.

"B-Boris. Oh god.... joey, what were you thinking!" I said to myself...

Boris was there, dead...

{Why the heck would joey do that..} I thought...

{End of Flashback..}

I still remember it being so terrifying,

I wish there was a way to fix this mess joey made...

"Tom?" Edd said, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, Just having... Thought's." I replied to him.

"Oh! Okay!" He said. "Meet me later at the table," He said to me.

"Fine," I said to him...

I hope we can escape through...

{Edd's Pov}

We were now having a meeting to find a way out today,

I don't know if it will work though.

"So, what is it edd?" Tom asked me.

"Well, I think Boris has the way out of here!" I said,

both Tom and Matt looked freaked out!

"Um... Edd? Is that a good idea though?" Matt asked.

"Yes! It will work! He just needs bacon soup!" I answered.

"Um..... Ok!" Tom said, agreeing with me. "Yeah! I'm in!" Matt shouted.

"Ok, here's the plan," I said. "Tom and I will collect bacon soup. After collecting the soup, Matt and I will cook the three bacon soups and then Boris will give what we all need"

I said I guess that Tom agreed with me including Matt.

"Let's do this!" I shouted.

Let's find those soups!

Three. hours. later........

Yas! We finally found the soups we needed.

"So, Matt. You're ready to cook soup?" I asked him.

"You bet!" He shouted

Two hours later...

"Thanks, Boris," I said to him.

"Edd, what are gonna do with this lever?" Matt asked.

"Well, we'll open that door! That's how we'll get out! All of us!" I said to matt

Matt did the "O" Face at me.

"Oh..... Okay!" Matt said in confusion.

"I'm ready," Tom said. Let's see what's behind this door.........

One hour later.......

Okay... Let's do this!- Edd

{Tom's Pov}

We were now in a dark place, Me, Edd, and Matt have flashlights.

We were now lost due to Boris escaping, great!

"Tom, you ok?" Edd asked. "Yeah" I replied.

We were now at a toy factory named, " Heavenly Toys", Weird...

As I was exploring, I spotted another tape,

it's from the Toymaker Shawn Flynn.

He says:
"I don't see what the big deal is! So what if I went and painted those bendy dolls with a crooked smile?
That's surely no reason for Mr, Drew to be flyin' at me. And if he really wants to be helpful, he could be tellin' me what I'm doin' in this warehouse I got full of that angel whatchamacallit. Not a scrap of that mess is a-sellin'!
Probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all."

That's was the longest Audio log, ok tom. Let's get out of this {NOPE} of a place.

(559 Words)

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