Unexpected suprises

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Time jump to after winter break:

Abraxas woke up the day they where expected to return to Hogwarts with a bad feeling in his gut. He got ready and continued to pack his trunk, but that bad feeling didn't lessen in fact it got worse. He went downstairs to the living room to find his uncle Barty frantically pacing.

"Uncle Barty are you ok?" Abraxas asked worriedly.

Barty turned and ran to Abraxas and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I was so worried. I thought you where with Sev and Ana. I thought they got you." Barty rambled.

"Uncle what happened?" he asked worriedly.

"They where attacked from coming back from the Malfoys. They decided to take a walk to get some air when Dumbledore's order attacked. They where looking for you. When they saw you weren't with them they attacked. You're parents fought them off as much as they could but they got them. They're at St. Mungos. They found them in an alley and where barely brought in about twenty minutes ago. We have to go see them now. You're going back to Hogwarts tomorrow."

They flooed to the hospital and ran to the room where Severus and Ana where being kept. When Abraxas saw his parents in their beds he broke down and cried I his father's chest. They looked terrible.

Severus had cuts and bruises all over his face and his arm was twisted at an unnatural angle. He was paler than normal and his normally well groomed hair and robes where matted with blood. He was turned on his side, with a long cut on his back.

Ana's long platinum blonde hair was matted with blood and was black she was also covered with cuts and bruises. She had cuts all over her arms, legs and abdomen. She had a broken leg and her left arm was burned.

Abraxas couldn't believe someone would attack his parents just because of him. He was reminded of the time he was with the Dursley. He began to cry harder knowing it was his fault.

"It's not your fault." Barty said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not your fault little one. It's Dumbledore's fault. He's the one who ordered them to attack them. They got hurt trying to protect you. Severus and Ana would rather die than hand you over to Dumbledore. It's not your fault. Don't listen to what those filthy muggles told you. We love you and you're such an amazing boy Abraxas don't let anyone tell you differently." Barty told him.

"He's right you know." a voice rasped.

They turned in shock to see Severus and Ana sitting up.

"He's right. Come here Abraxas." Severus opened his arms to hold his son to him. He held and rocked him while the potions began to work and soon he and Ana where completely healed. Soon they where checked out of the hospital and where soon on their way back to Hogwarts to new adventures with their reunited family.


End of book 1

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