The great hall

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Abraxas woke up early in the morning. Ever since he was three, he had had to wake up early to begin his chores. He showered, changed into his robes and waited until it was time for breakfast in the common room. He grabbed a defence book and waited. As he was reading, his father entered the common room.

"Good morning dad." Abraxas said.

"Good morning son. What are you doing up so early?" Severus asked.

"I'm always up early. It's drilled into me from my time at the Dursleys."

"Of course it is." On the outside he showed no emotion but on the inside he was seething. "Well make sure Draco gets up on time and don't be late for your classes son." He hugged his son and as he was leaving he said, "Go see your mother. She wants to see you before classes begin."

"Yes dad." He went back to his dorm and woke Draco up.

"Sev do we really have to get up this early?" Draco whined.

"Yes drake we do. Sev?" he asked questioningly.

"Everyone calls you Rax so might as well have a special nickname for you. I mean we are best friends." He got up and started to change.

"Oh ok. Well hurry up so we can visit my mum, she wants to see us before classes start."

"I'm coming I'm coming. You can't rush perfection."

Abraxas rolled his eyes and waited for Draco. When he was ready, they along with the other Slytherin first years, journeyed to the Great Hall. As they where eating their head of house, Severus, began passing out their time-tables. He looked at his schedule.

(There schedules are for everyday except for astronomy and flying lessons. Astronomy is once a week on Tuesdays at midnight. Flying is Wednesday Thursday and Friday every week.)

Defence against the dark arts with gryffindors double period

History of magic with Ravenclaw

Herbology with gryffindor

Transfiguration with gryffindor double period

Potions with gryffindor double period

"Hey drake look at our classes." Abraxas said.

"Great mostly with the gryffindorks. Boy this is going to be a great year." He said sarcastically. "Are you done with breakfast so we can go see aunt Ana?"

"Yeah let's go." The two walked out of great hall and as they where going to the DADA classroom, they where stopped by Weasley and Granger.

"Well well. Look what we have here Hermione, two mini Death Eaters. What's wrong Death Eaters? Your lord can't help you now."

"Shut up Weaslebe. No one cares about what you say." Draco said.

"Shut up you mini death eater." Granger yelled.

"Don't call us that you stupid girl. You don't know anything about us." Abraxas said.

"Oh yeah well I'll make you shut up then." Weasley said, Granger nodding her head.

They then drew their wands and where about to curse them when suddenly Severus stepped into the hall way.

"What is going on here?" He asked.

"They where going to curse us with dark magic, sir. We where just trying to defend ourselves." Granger whined.

"Don't lie to me Miss Granger. I do not see their wands, I only see yours and Weasley's. Ten points each from Gryffindor. Abraxas, go your mother wants to meet with you. You as well Draconis." Severus said.

"But sir that's not fair!" Weasley complained.

"Shall I make it twenty each and a detention with Mr. Filch?"

He shook his head as Granger dragged him away, but not before throwing a glare their way.

"Uncle Severus!" Draco said.

"Yes Draco." he said with a smirk.

"Why did you use my full name?! That's very low even for you." he pouted.

"Don't pout Drake it's unbecoming. Come on let's go. Bye Dad see you in class." Abraxas dragged Draco to his mothers classroom.

(I know. It's lame. I had nothing else to write. Did I get the right reactions from everyone?)

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