who are you ?

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and we saw..
we saw..

jk pov :
lisa was..... imean

she was alright she opened her eyes i gues bambam hyung was right.....
thank you god for giving her back to me...

Lisa's mom hugged her and she hugged her mom back

momo "if can you please letmeecheck her auntie ".

Lisa's mom nodded we all were so happy ....

lisa "why to check me what happened to me?  ohh! oppa i didn't knew you were here to in korea....  oppa you know it's strange right that i remember i was in my flight from states to south korea and i saw dad and uncle at the airport and then I'm here sleeping on my bed haa haa so weird right".


what does she mean

momo noona said " lisa hii do you know me? ".

Lisa said "no! how can i know you i just came back from America by the way who are you?".


bambam said "lili stop joking around okay tell us you know her right?".

lisa said "why would i lie to you oppa i really don't remember who is she? ".

momo "i think she lost her memories ".
she told us

lisa "wooah! that's intense ..... i don't get how i lost my memories when i knew that she is my mom he is my dad he is my brother she is my suzy auntie he is my woobin uncle and she is my sister rosie unnie i wanna hugg you i missed you you know !".

Rose noona then hugged her and started crying ... more loudly
she said "lisaa tell me you are joking.... ".

i heard Lisa's thought actually we all did
Lisa's thought '''why is she cryingand why i will lie.....  i really don't know who these people are ".

tears were rolling down from our eyes..
even jennie who controlled not to cry from this many days broke down crying taehyung was holding her...

momo said "lisa now think that I'm your doctor and please answer to my questions seriously okay!".

lisa gave her thumbs up! along with smile .....it breaks my heart...

momo "lisa what is your age ".

lisa "I'm done with my 16 I'm 17 now ".


momo "lisa what do you think of mermaids? ".

lisa started laughing
lisa" haaaa haaa! i never knew doctors ask such type of questions haaa haaa it's good to be home "..

for the First time no one liked her laugh...

momo unnie nodded and then she said
"lisa you are wrong you are 18 years old listen to me carefully ...yesterday you got into a car accident and you lost your memories but you know I'm your momo unnie  and I'm a doctor
rosy is your sister you know that but
that two girls with black hair are your sisters two they are daughter of your mothers real cousin and they both are siblings she is kim jisso and she is kim jennie and you arevery close with them more closer with jennie" momo noona said while pointing them

we heard Lisa's thought
hnmm!okay i got into accident cool! ....she is beautiful they both are!  haa haa that's why they are my sisters so now i have 3 sisters wow! I'm so lucky! okay! i was closer with jennie... but why jennie is crying ...somehow i don't like it when she is crying".

i saw towards Jennie noona
she can hear to she is crying because she can't see her fav.lil lisa like that..

she continued " then here he is also your cousin brother he is suga...
these are all your oppas your bestfriends he is namjoon the eldest and more wise.. he is jhope the sunshine of the group.... he is jin he acts as your eomma and he believes himself as world wide handsome ...
he is jeon taehyung he is a softie....
he is jeon jimin he is bubbly just like rose..... he is.. he is jeon jungkook your close friend you  used to call him as kookie ".

i Forced my smile... so funny right the girl who used to know me more than anyone is now a stranger ....

lisa said "i like your bunny teeth
kookie "
she said that loud...
i showed her my famous bunny smile
still innocent inside out...
looks like she will make me fall for her the second time...

bambam hyung said "lisa you need to get in the university so you are coming with me to Thailand along with your 3 sisters ".

Lisa said "whyyyyyy! i feel like i just met eomma and see i don't wanna leave my oppas and unnies i wanna know my past ".

bambam " noope lilii you know them already and you don't need to pressure up your brain to know your past... and because of that unnies are coming with you in Thailand so uuh wont miss them... and your oppas can't come because they have some work here...  now go to sleep!".

and lisa closed her eyes... who can resist bambam hyungs spell...
but why we can't go...
i can go Thailand ...I'm no  busy?

we came out of the room
we sat inthe living area

jennie pov :

it's hard to see her like that but it's way better at least she is with us now....

i heard her that she doesn't like to see me cry... that's why i never cried lisa... but today i couldnot help it...

i was snapped out of my thoughts when

bambam oppa said " we can't tell lisa about her past because it will cause hurt to her and maybe her condition will never improve that's why we need to keep her away from these place ....
and that's the reason I'm going to take lisa with me in Thailand and i will take my 3 sisters with me too so that she will be not alone in university and i will make sure that no other boy roams around her or you 3... i will tell my brother in law..  yeri's brother jaebuem his short name is JB he will be with you girls 24x7 for your safety...

i cant let lissa stay here and specially not around you boys and jungkook believe me you need to let her go for her safety...  i had a vision of lisa getting admitted into hospital again.... and i don'twant that to happened again to lisa because i saw jungkook and everyone was there jungkook was holding Lisa's hand when she got admitted in hospital so it's better if jungkook and the boys stay away
from girls  ..lisa...".

ohhhhkiii that's the matter why we have to go with oppa to Thailand Anyways i will not lili alone this time...
your nini your jennie unnie will be there with you this time... lisa...

i said "I'm ready to goo i can't let lisa get hospitalized ...it's better if we stay away ".

"we are also okay! all we want is Lisa's safety ". jisso and rose unnie said in unison ...

all the boys nodded her head... but jungkookie!...i know it's most hard for him....

jungkook said " if it's for her safety i will let go of her ".

then he left us all

soon they boys went...
momo unnie said before leaving
"don't worry about Lisa's power she can't use it because she doesn't remember it and don't ever remember her that she is a mermaid it will cause her a panic attack or god knows what..byye".

bambam oppa said " dad can you please talk to uncles about this and about the admission in Bangkok university ...we will leave tomorrow i don't want her to stay here... any more minutes".

bambam oppa is really so protective towards us his sisters but protective..
cut that overprotective toward

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