Chapter 8

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Aria's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling sore. I blushed a little at the memory of last night, when Angelo made love to me till 2 in the morning.


I shot up, my eyes searching for him. His watch and phone weren't on the nightstand. I called out his name but got no response.

Sadness overtook me. He probably left. He probably just wanted to get in my pants. I knew he had a history of being a playboy, jumping from one woman to another weekly, sometimes even daily.

Yet, I had still gave myself up to him.

I should have known.

Stupid, stupid Aria, my conscious mocked me,

He was just sweet, so, so sweet.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought about how many times he used the 'I won't let anyone, especially myself, hurt you' line.

There has to be a limit on how much a girl can get her heart broken in this short of an amount of time.

I only had one true love.

And that was food.

I slouched downstairs, swimming in self pity. I made myself a bowl of cereal and padded back into my bedroom. I turned on the T.V. and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it to find the notes app already open on the screen.

Morning, baby. I hope you slept well. And that you can still walk.

I had to leave early this morning for a meeting and didn't want to wake you up. Call me when you see this.


I gave myself a face-palm and dialed Angelo's number.

"Morning, sunshine." He answered after one ring.

"Fuck you, Angelo."

"What? What happened?" His voice suddenly filled with panic.

"I thought you pulled a hit and run on me." I sniffled a little.

"You're crazy, baby. I don't hit and run. Never have, never will, especially not now, since I have you. Anyways, come by my office. I just had a new branch for my company open this morning. Come see it. It's very you." He babbled excitedly on the other end.

I laughed at his excitement. "Fine, but you didn't pick my outfit this time."

"Um, actually I did. It's hanging in your bathroom. Go see it and tell me what you think."

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and used the nightstand to support myself. I groaned a little as pain shot through my sore muscles.

"Baby? Are you okay?"

"Fuck you, Angelo. I can barely walk." I padded into my ensuite bathroom.

He laughed at me this time. "Sorry, baby. I'll send a driver to pick you up so you don't have to drive."

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me and inspected the clothes he had picked out. A pair of high-waisted dress pants and a white blouse along with some short black heels lay before me. "Damn, Ang. You have some sense of style."

"Is that a good or a bad thing?"

"Good. Great, actually. I don't have to put in any thought into my outfits anymore."

"Glad I could help. Make sure you tuck in the blouse into the pants."

"Whatever you say. I'll see you soon, tesoro."

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