Chapter 28

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Henry Cavill in a tux... need I say more? -->


Aria's POV

I was pregnant. Again.

I hugged my abdomen, shielding the little life inside of me. I wouldn't make the same mistake I did with Nick with this one. This baby would come before everything, be the most important thing in my life.

"Aria?" Jasmine murmured, brushing my wet hair away from my face.

"Yeah?" I looked up at her big, blue eyes.

"Do you realize how perfect this is? There is no way in hell that that's Devan's child, so it must be Angelo's." She clapped her hands excitedly.

"I'm still not getting the point here?" I raised an eyebrow at her, confused.

"God, Aria. Think about it, Devan's parents want a heir, right? That's the only reason you guys are married. But, if you're pregnant with someone else's child, they won't want you anymore!" She jumped around the bathroom excitedly. "Come on, we're going to Italy right this moment! Wait until Angelo finds out!" She stole my phone off the counter, dialing my pilot.

I smiled in realization. Jas was absolutely right. They wouldn't want me now!

I leaped up off the cool, marble floor of my bathroom and ran into my closet.

After throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a black tank top along with some sneakers, Jasmine and I ran down the steps two at a time, jumping into the elevator. As we made our descent to the lobby, it hit me that I would be seeing my tesoro for the first time in a month.

I smiled and released a sigh. Everything would be alright, Ang would be at my side again.

I stood frozen in place, watching the love of my life press her lips against another man's.

A single tear rolled down my cheek. "H-How could you?" I choked out, my throat constricting.

"Don't you get it, Angelo?" She giggled, the sound like music to my ears, despite the situation. "I love Devan, not you."

Her blue eyes locked on mine as she uttered the words that would haunt me day and night.

"We're over."

I shot up in my bed, cold sweat coating my body. I willed my breathing to even. It was a dream. Just a dream. A stupid one, too. My eyes fell to the empty space on the other side of my bed, the space where Aria was only more than a month ago. It might as well have been a decade, because that's what it felt like.

I needed to get a grip.

I needed a drink.

I stalked through my empty mansion, towards the kitchen, pouring myself a glass.

I swirled the liquid around, watching it slosh against the sides. I brought the cup to my lips, downing it in one gulp. I winced as the alcohol seared my stomach, setting the glass down onto the table. I could stand the slight pain of the alcohol as long as it numbed the pain of Aria's absence. Sunlight streamed in through the floor to ceiling windows of my mansion, bathing the kitchen in a glow.

A month. An entire month since I had seen the love of my life, the color in my otherwise grey world. I grabbed the bottle of Lagavulin scotch and poured it into my glass, refilling it again.

I had done everything to fill the void Aria had created. Endless hours at the gym, mountains of work, weekends full of extreme sports, nothing worked. I needed the feeling that Aria have me, her drug. She was the drug and I was the junkie. And I never would enough of her.

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