Excuse Me

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Youthe wasn't one to dress for occasions. She never wore a dress and heels and would rather kill herself then attend a Banquet among higher ups of the fractions.

Yet this night was different. She was going into a fight of pride and will and here in Dauntless no one took such things lightly.

They would dress in easy moving clothing and women in skin tight shirts with men in sleeveless ones to show their muscle. The best piercings where placed into the holes many had obtained during youth and spaced out for all to see.

Tattoos where always shown off during these events and the best part was the Dauntless who broke up fights, joined in with the excitement.

They cheered on the Dauntless member they wanted to win and even broke the rules to jump into the fight.

Yet tonight was different. They would cheer on Eric as Youthe fought tooth and nail to stay alive. The Dauntless would push Youthe if she got to close to them and could possibly all gang up to kill her.

This didn't stop the female and she spent the next few hours preparing for her fight with Eric.

A shirt with the sleeves cut off half hazardously clung to her skin with a pair of baggy jeans hanging from her waist. A corset like piece was tied around her stomach and waist remaining tight on her body.

A belt adorn her hips keeping the jeans in place while she walked around in thick leather boots and her half shaved her moved back from her eyes.

" Your gonna get fucked Rebel bitch! "

Someone called. Another followed.

"Just give up. Eric will best you to a pulp. "

Youthe didn't acknowledge the taunts. She walked past and kept her head high. The Dauntless members stared at her and walked off muttering to themselves.

Youthe smirked and looked back as they rounded the corners.

" Don't let the Dauntless belittle you. "

She said. Continuing on Youthe explored her old home. Not much changed. Stone still made most of the Dauntless's fraction and guns where found about every other room. Knives in the walls from roudy teenagers and Dauntless born. It was home.

At one time it was home. Now it was prison. Youthe sighed and closed her eyes gently before opening them and continuing on.

Her destination was not far. She wanted to visit the small library the fraction had. It wasn't much and held very little bit there was a small section in the back filled with files of every Dauntless member known to man.

A large oak door with stains and deep gashes was the entrance to the library.  It's handle was brass and lock was worn. But it hasn't changed a bit.

Youthe reached into her shirt and pulled out a copper ring tied with rope. Its carved handle matched the doors carvings as they glistened in the torch light.

With a slow sigh she placed the key into the key hole and turned it. With the sound of rusty gears the door screeched open. The sound echoed for a few feet before fading into darkness.

The smell of partchment and ink filled Youthe's nostrils while she took a deep intake of breath. It was as she had left it so long ago.

Walking in she closed the door behind her and began her search. Little sunlight filtered in so taking a small candle on the desk top, Youthe took a match in her hand and lit a small flame.

Lighr filled the area once more as she walked around the small room. It was cool in the library just as Youthe remembered and held the same safe feeling from her child hood.

This feeling made her wish even more than before that Timber be with her walking through the calming area. But he wasn't

So with a heavy heart she opened the first file reading its name.

Jonathan Comarks

not what I need.

Youthe thought. She pulled out another file and read the name.

Dylan Pyslee

Another huff from Youthe and she placed it down. It was more than an hour she had spent in the library looking through the files in the back of the room. She had gone through at least 64 by now and was growing greatly discouraged. Thats when she found the name she was in search for.

Four (Tobias) Eaton

Opening the file with care she noticed every piece of the file was still in tact with the thick book-like cover. Smiling with the folder in hand she stood up placing everyone of the files back in place she had taken out. The candle was now more than half way gone and began to struggle with staying lit.

Walking to the door Youthe blew out the candle and slid Four's file into her corset like piece hiding it from the view of others. She excited the library and locked it shut before turning around.

A loud thud echoed out as Youthe felt her back meet the wooden door and knob creating a sharp pain throughout her back. When she clenched her jaw in pain and opened her eyes she was met with the bright blue fires of Eric's eyes.

His jaw was set strong and temples flared as he glared down at the female.

"What the hell are you doing in there?"

Eric demanded as he held Youthe to the door. She glared back and snarled at him gruffly.

"Leave me be Dauntless. I have nothing to say to you."

This angered Eric as he reached into her corset removing several of the strings keeping it in place. His fingers hooked under her breasts and she struggled to get away. When Eric had grasped the file he yanked his hand away and caused her shirt to rip in the process. The fabric was torn past her breasts and ended before the lining of her collar.

Yelping she covered herself and slapped Eric across his cheek. His head jerked away and he took a few steps back from her. Youthe held herself close and glared deeply at the male.

"Excuse you! Do you think it's just alright to touch a lady like that as if you own her!! "

Eric glared down at the female as she crossed her arms over her chest causing the cleavage of her breasts to pop out more. He couldn't remove his eyes from Youthe's body and even began to get aroused by her current state.

Yet he was brought back to reality as he was slapped once more by the female and watched her stomp off to the room she was forced to stay in with him. Eric ran his fingers over his cheek and felt the gentle sting of being slapped. This aroused him more and he felt himself against his jeans.

"What the hell..."

Eric looked down and grew flustered.

"Oh Fuck..."

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