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I looked in the fridge.

" mhmm, we have everything to make pancakes " I sounded too professional for someone who was talking about making pancakes but being with 2D was too fun not to joke around.

" I haven't had anything sweet in years!" He was like a child. I looked around noticing lot of bottles and burnt cigarettes on the floor. He must have noticed my concerned look.

" ah, don't worry about it, y/n" I looked up at him. He was just fidgeting around. He started digging a hole in a carpet with his leg.

" 2D it's not very healthy-"

" I know." He cut me off kinda coldly. Then he awkwardly scratched back of his head and got close to me.

" hey, let's just make the pancakes and don't think about that much" I hated the idea of him getting sick but there wasn't much I could say. He was an adult and a stranger and I wasn't his mom or girlfriend. Thought of being his girlfriend fastened my pulse.

" okay?" 2D's question snapped me back to reality.

" oh yeah!! Yeah! " I started making pancakes. We made a lot of them and set down on a table.

" they look delicious " he said without looking at me, he was too focused on pancakes.

" I know right?! I'm the best chef, cooking shows are shaking" I heard him chuckle.

" you're weird" he shoved pancake in his mouth " but like in a good way" I was flattered but didn't want him to notice. I didn't want to admit that I had fallen for a stranger that I met 2 days ago.

" ugh, don't even start " I said lightly laughing " I'm not like the nice girls that are obsessed with chicken nuggets"

He just looked at me confused. There was an awkward silence in the room. He just looked at me trying to figure out what I was talking about.

" but-" he started after a long pause " you are nice and funny-" he made me blush. He looked straight into my eyes.

" ugh, just forget what I said" I was too embarrassed. He chuckled and started choking on pancakes. I couldn't help but laugh as I was saving him from dying.

I set back down and asked a weird question that I didn't mean to ask.

" do you have any girl's clothes?"

" huh, why would I have them?"

" I, uh, I don't know just asked"

" you want to go take a shower don't you?" I nodded awkwardly.

" I'll lend you my clothes, no problem " he said without hesitation. He was way taller than I was. Having the idea of me wearing his clothes made my heart warm up. I smiled without realising.

" do you always smile that often " there was a sudden question.

" huh? Oh, yeah I guess. I mean people say that I'm moody but I think I smile a lot" he found something I said funny and it made me blush.

" if you smile a lot why would they call you moody?"

" I don't really laugh often I guess. I don't find most of the jokes people around me say too funny but little things make me smile when I'm alone"

" like what?" I couldn't understand why was he interested in such nonsense.

" I don't know like sunny weather, flowers- omg I sound so cliche and cheesy!" He chuckled.

" go on"

" I usually smile at cute things I guess. You know- like I act kinda moody with people I'm not close to. I look like I have a " life sucks and I'm suffering for no reason" attitude when in reality seeing someone smile at their phone makes me smile." I realise how much I've said. I hid my face in my hands from embarrassment.

" sorry I talked too much!"

" it's fine. I like to hear you talk" I looked up at him and he gave me kind of a sad smile " it's so lonely here sometimes, it just feels good to hear someone talk cheerfully "

" Stuart-" I nearly confessed my feelings to him right then and there but I stopped myself in time, reminding myself that he was still a stranger.

" yeah?"

" I'll go take a shower if you don't mind"

" mhmm" he stood up and walked into his room. He picked his shorts and the shortest shirt he could find. He handed clothes to me and gave me a friendly pet on head as he walked past me.

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