Chapter Three

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Chapter three

I walk in the chamber first as sensing by the continuous crying and shivers that everyone else was too scared. The room is exactly as the first one except the lights are dimmed. Then scanning the room, my eyes fall on it
On all fours on the left-hand side of the chamber. Its limbs are elongated like a spider. Its wrinkled face holds place to two beady black eyes. The Wendigo peers at me its soulless eyes indenting into my skin, the way it looks at me like I'm not there, I know for a fact that I am not it's prey.

Once I'm completely in the chamber, I push myself up against the wall keeping as much distance as possible from the Wendigo. I turn my head towards the door, one boy and the girl had crept in without the Wendigo screeching. That means the last boy is the prey. I position myself at a corner keeping my gaze at the door, the boy finally walks in, instantly the door shuts. The Wendigo screeches forcing me to clamp my hands around my ears tightly to protect them. The screams of the ginger girl ignite the room, I fall to the floor my knees to my chest and my hands still by my ears. The Wendigo runs like a dog towards the boy who is bashing on the invisible door begging for them to let him out, the sound of his fists bashing on the wall makes my head thump in pain. Just as he turns around the Wendigo grabs his arm and bites into his shoulder. Blood spurts out of him like fireworks erupting everywhere. The boy screams in pain but I can't hear anything anymore, all I can see is the pain and sadness flooding through the room. All their faces are scarred deeply in sorrow.
And for the first time in four years, I don't feel numb, emotions pump through my veins and pain pierces my heart.

The screeching and screams stop when the boy finally falls in the middle of the room dead, however, the constant sobs and cries from the other two don't. A rush of emotions fills my body making my head spin badly so I balance myself on the wall. A small but significant tear rolls down my cheek. The last time I cried seems like a distant memory, but for the first time In three years, I feel emotion creating a storm in my body and just before I am about to die. Great.

In the corner of the room the door slides open, one last time I peer around the chamber, the dead boy lies in the middle all mangled up, laying in an ocean of his own blood. On the opposite side of the room to me, the other boy offers his hand to the girl, she accepts and allows herself to be pulled up. The boy catches my gaze then nods, nodding back I slowly make my way through the next door. My heart thumps against my ribs like an aggressive dog trying to get out of a cage. Stepping in, the new Wendigo looks at me then looks away. The other two follow shortly behind me. I slide myself along the wall letting the others pass through. My eyes are transfixed on the Wendigo as it locks it's beady eyes on the girl. It lets out the same death-wrenching scream. The girl tries to sprint back to the door but it is already closed shut. Her screams run my body cold. falling to the floor with my knees tucked tightly to my chest, I squeeze my eyes shut and bury my head in my knees. Not baring to see any more blood. But it has stained my eye.

The screaming stops and I allow myself to look around. The girl's corpse lays in a corner whilst the Wendigo still drives its teeth into her leg. The next chamber door opens and I walk around the perimeter of the one we are in. Once I have reached the door the boy already stands there. He turns to face me with a sad smile placed on his lips "Goodbye" he mutters his eyes glistening in the dim light "Goodbye" I murmur back offering him a small smile. Then we both brace ourselves and walk into the next chamber.

Before I could even look around or think about my certain death, the Wendigo goes straight for him. I watch him die. The pain of watching him die is excruciating and rips my gut, but not once do my eyes wander off. His screams of pain bash into my body making me cry uncontrollably. Abruptly I wipe my tears away, I can't feel now, I need to go back to my emotionless state.

I don't want to die in pain.

I can feel the presence of his corpse and the Wendigo burning harsh lines into my back as I stand at the entrance of the last and final chamber. Quiet tears make their journey down my cheek, heavy breathes leave my mouth making me shake. Squeezing my eyes shut I take one breath. Then I walk into my death.
It stands there staring at me I look at it back allowing a few more tears escape. It's black eyes have my me attention captured, I can't look away from its dark eyes. Even though I can't look away, the Wendigo does.

With confusion streaming in my mind, I make my way down the edge of the room. It looks at me one more time but yet again moves its gaze. Why has it not tried to kill me? Suddenly something fills my body, making me stumble like a gust of wind. It is something that I have never quite experienced before, something animal .A rush of power, freedom and... survival.

Cautiously I creep up behind the Wendigo trying not to make a sound by stepping on my tiptoes. It has its back towards me and slowly like a snail heaving its way through mud I lift up my arm and wrap it around the monster's neck. It screeches so loud it rings in my ear. After a few moments of struggle, I feel it relax on my arm. Its blood covers the arm of the red jacket. I let it drop to the floor with a thump. My eyes widen in utter disbelief, I've killed it.
Looking at the monster in bewilderment a small victorious grin tugs at the side of my mouth.

But my victory is not long lasting. Suddenly a deafening siren goes off. I clamp my hands around my ears and fall to the floor.
Marching. I hear marching. And with every heartbeat, the marching becomes louder. Falling to my side I let the siren take

over my body as I feel the coldness from the floor tingle down my spine. The wall at the back of the chamber starts to open, letting out white light. Then I see it. Loads of feet marching towards me in complete unison. Opening my eyes a little more I notice the feet are wearing combat boots but right in front of me there is a pair of low black heels that seem to be connected to a middle-aged woman. Her stern lips open "Well after years of looking guys, we have found her. Finally"

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