Chapter 7

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A big yawn sneaks out of my mouth as I stretch my arms out. Wrinkling my nose I get up. Kerry is asleep but Melissa's sleeping bag is empty. Once I put on my clothes I stroll out of the tent. Mel and Jevi are sitting by the logs "Morning Gaia" Jevi chirps "How did you sleep?"
"Amazing actually" I reply back as I lower my self to a log. I feel Mel's eyes on me but I don't look her way.
"Do you want something to eat we have some bacon we have been saving?" Jevi asks. Bacon I could defiantly do with some bacon. "Bacon sounds like a great idea" I reply my mouth already watering. Smiling Jevi stands up from the log and strolls to his tent, his dreads, that are normally tied half up, trailing down his back. He comes back with a packet of bacon in his hand. Jevi places a piece of bacon on the pan. He pulls out some matches from his pocket.

"Mel ... Jevi ... HELP !" shouts a voice from beyond the trees. Jevi drops the matches and pan "It's Royce" I hear Mel yell as she starts to sprint towards his voice. I jolt up too trailing after her. Jevi and I run up behind dodging through the trees. In no time at all, I'm meters in front of both Mel and Jevi. The trees disappear and in their place, a river rages like a summer storm. Royce's head bobs up and down from under the water as he is being bashed around the by the violent waves. I fling my jacket and shoes off letting them fall near the trees.

My feet sink into the damp soil as I run towards the bank. Jumping off from one foot, I crash into the water. The water shocks my body as soon as I jump in. Struggling against the waves I push through towards Royce. The water pushes me farther away but my fingers lace onto a rock and I readjust my self. "Royce grab onto my arm" I yelp as water travels up my nose. Royce throws his arm and snatches onto mine Hooking my arm around the rock that I have latched onto I start to pull Royce and I. The water jabs aggressively around my waist. At the bay of the river, Jevi has his arm outstretched. " Grab onto the rock I scream" Royce follows my instructions. Using my arm I hook it around his waist as I start kicking and using my free hand to grab onto rocks to pull me along "Grab Jevi's arm" I shout at Royce. Once we are safe at the bay of the river. Jevi pulls Royce up with a big grunt. Following shortly behind I push myself out of the river.

A cold breeze makes my hairs stand up against my wet skin. Royce is bent over coughing " Royce what the hell where you doing in the water" Mel screeches at him. Royce lets out a short cough.
" I was getting a drink then a wave took me under" Mel sighs irritably "Well you should be more careful!" She snaps at him. Mel turns to me her eyes looking at the floor. " Um, thanks, Gaia" Walking past her I mutter it's no problem. Patting Royce on the back I ask if he is okay and once he thanks me I walk over to Jevi, who folds his arms around my shoulders in order to keep me warm. Yet I don't feel cold at all.

"That was weird, but amazing" Jevi says as he looks at me
"Huh ?"
"Gaia you where in front of us in seconds even though I never saw you leave then you swam against the river and pulled out a full-grown male with no problem at once your out you are completely fine your not chocking or anything " I guess it is a little weird but I have always been really fit. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh "I used to be on the swim team." I lie and I have no idea why I just did. Jevi's famous smile reappears "Well I guess you have to stop saving all our lives" We both crack up laughing and wander back to the camp.

"What the hell just happened ?" Kerry screeches back at us, once we have returned. "Roy fell into the river but he is okay, Gaia saved him" Kerry sighs deeply in relief. "Oh thank God" She says exasperatedly. "Roy!" Kerry shouts past Jevi and I. Looking back, Royce and Mel wander out from the trees. Pushing past Jevi and I, Kerry runs up to Roy and smacks him at the back of his head "Oh what the hell was that for?" He acclaims, rubbing the back of his head.
"Be careful you idiot!" She shouts at him.
"Oh okay... MUM!" He yells back at her. Next to me Jevi starts laughing and I can't help but join in. They walk over to us and we all sit on the logs. "So... how about some bacon?" Jevi asks. And I think I can speak for everyone that bacon would be a great idea.

We all scoff down the bacon in no time. "I'm going for a walk, anyone want to come" Kerry asks as she looks at us all with her kind eyes " sure" I say as I stand up to face her. The day is overcast and once in a while, a delicate ray of sun breaks through the sorrowful clouds. Kerry and I walk side by side and we sliver our way through the trees. "Gaia I'm sorry about Mel please just ignore her, it has been just us for a really long time and she is really protective," She says.
"It's okay I kind of got that impression"
Kerry and I carry to walk through the trees. "Before the um ... Chambers, how did you survive were you with anyone" She asks quietly
"No, I wasn't I just guess I got really lucky after my family went ... missing, I just left my home town and just wandered for months and months, I didn't really speak to anyone" Kerry Looks up at me sympathy pooling in her eyes. "Oh, you must have been so lonely" She murmurs. It never thought about that, I never felt lonely, I was okay just being by myself. However, now I have company I can see I would have been so much better of and maybe, my soul would not have been drained like it was. "I was actually okay" Kerry smiles sadly
"Well that's good to hear, you wanna head back now?" She asks nodding her head in the direction of the camp. "Sure, let us go" I answer back.

Kerry and I wander back to the tents. "Oh, crap!" curses Jevi as we see him come out of his tent. "What's the matter Jevi?" Kerry asks. "Mel and I are going to have to go out hunting we have no food left- MEL!" Replies Jevi.
"What's up" Mel asks, sticking her head out of the other text.
"We have to go hunting" Jevi tells her. She groans irritably as she lets her head drop back. "Ugh we better get going then, I will get the spears" She says
"Okay" Jevi replies.
"Can I come?" I ask quietly. Jevi snaps his head at me with his mouth slightly parted. "Yeah sure" He says with a surprised smile. Mel returns, and in her arms, there are long wooden spears, with sharp points that look like they come from kitchen knives. "Mel, Gaia is going to come with us" Jevi tells her. She does not even answer but just rolls her brown eyes. Jevi shrugs at me as she storms off with us trailing behind "Bring me back something yummy" Kerry shouts want we start to edge nearer to the forest. We all turn back and laugh. "So what do you guys normally um hunt ?" Jevi scratches the back of his head. "Well anything we can get our hands on, the aim is deer". Says Jevi as he walks in front of me. We all creep in and out of trees looking for something we could hunt. For twenty minutes we find nothing and Mel starts to whisper angrily to her self. I take one more step when we all stop abruptly. We all stare at each other. In the distance, a male deer grazes the grass with his nuzzle. Slowly Jevi outstretches his arm with the spear in it. Lifting up his leg he takes another step, crunching twigs whilst doing so. The deer snaps it's head and begins to run away. On impulse, I grab the spear. Flinging it over my head it flies through the sky then hit the deer. The deer tries to walk away but just wobbles on its knobbly legs till it falls to the floor. We take one more look at each other then we run after the deer.

Blood splurges from where the spear hit it near the chest of the deer. "Holy crap, what a shot" Jevi states pulling the spear out of the deer. "Yeah, gotta admit, that was pretty good" Mel mutter with her hands on her hips. Jevi hands me the spear back, I inspect the blood-covered blade as he heaves the dear into his arms. Mel then scurries over to help him. "This is great now we have loads" Cheers Jevi as we walk back to the camp.

"Oh shit, you guys got a deer" Shouts Royce when he sees us. "Yeah, Gaia got it!" He shouts back.
Mel and Jevi drop it by the fire pit. Kerry runs out from her tent towards us with a bewildered smile. "Awesome a deer!" She chirps. Jevi claps his hands together. "How about we cook it?" He asks cheerfully.

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