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Bakugou's P.O.V
I woke up his morning at 5:30 for no reason. I just couldn't shake the feeling that today was gonna be a day of absolute mayhem and destruction, which I never really liked to involve myself in. I stared at my ceiling for what felt like hours. My eyes burning and struggling to stay open. "Why was I keeping myself awake?". "Why was I tormenting myself like this?". I just didn't feel like today was going to be a good day and so I hesitantly rolled off of the side of my bed letting my feet rest on the floor and my body slump heavily. Despite the obvious lagging of my vision I was able to make out the the jumbled up numbers that marked my alarm clock. "Five fifty-five are you kidding me!! Why do I keep breaking my sleep like this?! I was too tired to think about any of this at this point in time the day was beginning and I was so~ already over it.

End of P.O.V

Bakugou's alarm went off at 7:00. He slowly opened his eyes and was immediately filled with rage and annoyance. He held out his hand to the alarm and ignited a huge explosion that caused the whole house to shake. "Looks like I'll have to buy a new one". He sat up and scratched the back of his head and yawned. Bakugou wasn't liked that much at his school in fact people would go out of there way to start up all types of rumours about how he would beat, lie and mock anyone who he had not deemed worthy of his time. Of course none of this was true Bakugou never thought that  anyone had to prove anything to him all Bakugou thought about anyone else is that they needed to have ambition to be his friend. "KATSUKI!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!" A voice called from downstairs. He quickly rose to his feet throwing on a top before heading downstairs. "What is wrong with you". A woman with blonde spiky hair stood before him crossed-armed tapping her foot. "Nothing is wrong with me" he muttered putting his hands behind his head. "Stop blowing up my house you idiot". The woman scolded. He rolled his eyes and began walking to the bathroom. "Whatever I won't blow up the stupid house". After he had brushed his teeth and washed his face he walked back into the kitchen to grab his lunch for school there he saw his mom sitting by the table. "Your not going to eat?" She said pausing from her meal. "Nahh I got stuff to do eating would only slow me down". He grabbed his lunch put it in his bag and got dressed. "I'm gonna head out see ya later". He walked out the door with his hands in his pockets and his bag on his shoulder. " bye son" she said continuing her breakfast.


Bakugou walked through the doors of his classroom only for him to be greeted by a bunch of whispering and murmurs. He continued his path to his desk and ignored all of the obvious stares and ogling. He sat down whilst simultaneously throwing his bag next to him. "I heard he beat up a child because he looked at him funny." Really, I heard that he pushed an old lady into the river." No way, What a monster." He took out his phone and began surfing the internet it was obvious that whoever wasn't scared of him definitely disliked him..A LOT. The bell rang for class to start and everyone took there seats. Mr.Aizawa lectured the class about how badly the collateral damage was during are last exam and how we should be able to show restraint. As quickly as he had come was as quickly he disappeared back into his yellow sleeping bag. The class Rep, Tenya Iida was talking about a trip to the woods that we would be having next week and that we would have to prepare for it. Bakugou wasn't paying attention in the first place so having the class representative snatch his phone from his hand was a surprise to boot. "Hey man! Give it back" he said trying to snatch it back. "Did you get all of that Bakugou" he smirked evily. "Yeh I did so give it back you asswip-. Iida dropped the phone in his hand and whispered to him: " ah ah ah remember i get to decide who goes on the school trip." Bakugou sat back down sighing heavily and stuffing his phone back in his pocket. Iida returned to the front of the classroom with everybody but bakugo cheering and praising his actions.


Bakugou laid with his head on his desk tired out from the day of continues torment. He lifted his head and was going to begin studying since going home wasn't ideal with his mom there ready to nag at him. As he opened his eyes he saw a boy just standing by the window. Afraid that he was intruding on his personal space Bakugou decided to find another classroom to study in. As he turned around the boy said something that made Bakugou jump right out of his skin. "You don't have many friends do you...Bakugou?" To him it seemed like the boy was trying to start a fight but instead of retaliating he just spoke four simple words: "why do you care." The boy spun around on his heels and walked in front of his desk. With a hearty smile the boy spoke to him. "I-I'm Eijirou Kirishima nice to finally speak to you." Bakugo was so suprised he wanted to say something back but at that point the door swung open and Iida came back with his crew of teachers behind him. "Bakugou you have another detention." He said smirking devilishly. "No I don't four eyes I was just leaving anyway." Bakugou shot a fake smile at the boy before he bolted out of the room.

I hope you like it so far this story line is a lot better and I'm excited to continue it

~ DePRessEd fUjoSHi

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