About time we found each other.

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Quick notices: This part will be quite long because it has that long awaited lemon 🍋 slurpppp. So I hope you guys enjoy also my friend helped edit and make everything 100x better so please go and support him especially since he is working on some really smexy stuff.
His account >> nebermor
Thanks everyone please enjoy this long long chapter. 😌

Heya it's ya boi neber, just a heads up this ain't no normal 'lemon' it's some really fucking nasty kinky type shit so if that shit ain't your jam then fuck right off but if it is? Have fun lads. Or, an alt, when you see 🍋 that's where the freaky shit starts and where you see a 🥔 that's where the freaky shit ends.

But otherwise C/TW: angst with a happy ending, explicit and mature language, small breakdown, mention of alcohol and recreational drugs, tooth rotting fluff at the end

(Also there's a really tiny homestuck reference or two in here let's see if you can find it)

Don't say I didn't warn you.


The week had gone by with nothing more than a rapid flash. It was Friday already and class 1A were literally on the edge of their seats, poised and ready to leap out of that door as soon as that last bell rang. But it was slightly moronic as none of them would be able to leave on time because of... things. Well their punishment for driving Bakugo up the wall until he blasted their classroom to smithereens was that they had to take on the task of cleaning up all 10 1st year classrooms in pairs. But alas, as aspiring heroes they saw this opportunity as a challenge: to finish cleaning these classrooms so they had enough time remaining to retreat to their dorms to prepare for Yaomomo's party.

Not many of them were eager for the laborious punishment but it did promise festivities afterwards so they all got down to it in good time.

1st person~ Kirishima

After navigating a tap and successfully filling my bucket with lukewarm water, I hauled it towards the class me and Bakugo were assigned, carrying an obviously old, flaky mop in my free hand. Bakugo's looking like he's having a harder time though. How annoying must it be to carry those brooms to our other classmates and actually be cooperative for once? Well, it shone clear as day on his face: brows pinched, petite nose scrunched and an endearingly violent snarl on his pink, deliciously kissable lips--

No not here, Eijirou. You're gonna give yourself a boner thinking about how he'd look wrapped perfectly around your co--

For FUCK'S sake, Eijirou. Stop it.

"Hey, brother. Need some help?" I set my bucket and mop down close the door of the classroom and flashed a crooked smile, not-so-subconsciously flexing my arms and watching in mild giddiness as his stunning angular eyes widened a fraction. I love how I was the only person who could crack his facade, even if it was only for a second.

His mouth opened and closed and I cocked my head coyly. Finally he steeled his jaw and turned back around, dragging the brooms with him once again.

"Fucker. Go help someone who actually fucking needs it." Although his words were fiery, there was no heat behind them. But I am immune to his ways so I just chuckled a chirped out a quick,


And I really did get to work. Albeit distracted by... well, Bakugo, of course. But really my mind lingered to what he told me after Momo gave out her little pink invitations.

His fleeting glances, his flushed cheeks and his lips redder from biting them so much as admitted to me in a low, nervous voice that... that he wanted me to come round to his room. It set my nerves alight from the moment those words left his mouth. It gave me an extra boost of confidence (read: me flirting with him earlier) and... well... if he reciprocated my utter devotion and infatuation with him, then I am the luckiest meatbrain in the world. I know I shouldn't be so hyped that he wants me to come over but like... it's Bakugo, you know? He never opens up. Not even to his childhood friend, Midoriya. And anyways, I need to fix that problem where my chest tightens up when I see him and my heart leaps to my throat when I hear him laugh, even though it's rare. I really want him to be happier. And I want the reason to be me.

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