A Misunderstanding

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Kirishima's P.O.V
I headed downstairs after already getting dressed it was a Saturday and I didn't feel like doing much today. I was still trying to comprehend all these emotions that seemed to be hitting me full throttle, I was so deep in thought I didn't noticed midoriya heading straight for me.

" Ow!!" I said as I fell backwards.
"Kirishima!?! I'm so sorry" he panicked and offered me his hand.
I grabbed his hand and smiled dusting myself off.
"No worries dude. What's up?"
He sighed and shook his head.
"It's nothing I just have a bit on my mind is all." I gestured for him to walk with me..he looked confused but shrugged. "You too?"
He looked at me in shock before speaking. "K-kirishima what are you thinking about?" I hesitated for a moment sticking my hands in my pocket " I'm just thing about are class I guess...Do you know why everyone seems to pick on bakugou? I looked at him and he tried to avoid eye contact with me.
" Oh- kacchan..I don't really know, I'm sure you must've noticed that kacchan doesn't like me very much I doubt he'd ever tell me anything about how he is feeling." He smiled nervously. We continued to talk about Are lesson all the way to the common area. Bakugou's name cane up several times and the more midoriya and I spoke the more I began to understand. "Midoriya you never said what you was thinking about.." His skin turned pale and he looked uneasy. "Did I..say something wron-" I was interrupted by midoriya's loud muttering.. "I'm sorry I-I didn't mean- you see... I think I like someone in our class I just don't know how to tell them....." I was not expecting that at all my face shifted to a deep pink but I tried to shake it off and continued to listen to his woes.
"You see I've tried to drop hints to him but he just doesn't seem to pick it up."
I grinned slightly. "So midoriya if it's a he it can only be either iida or Todoroki, am I right?! He blushed intensely and slammed his head into his hands. "I'm so stupid!!"
"Don't beat yourself up about it bro trying to confess to someone you like is really manly." He smiled faintly and sat down lying his head on the table.

End of P.O.V
At this point Momo and jirou walked in. They were laughing about something and Momo looked fed up.

Bakugou P.O.V
I walked past the kitchen where there seemed to be people laughing.
"Looks like I'll have to eat later than usual there is no way I'm going to eat with those fucking extras.." I wasn't even going to look until I caught a glimpse of pointed red hair. I stared at him for a few seconds before continuing to the living space. "Tch!"

Kirishima's P.O.V
I thought I saw someone at the door but I must have imagined it. With Jirou and Yaoyoruzu's sudden appearance it was clear that midoriya couldn't finish speaking I smiled awkwardly at them before grabbing his wrist and leading him to a more private area. The courtyard.
"Sorry for dragging you midoriya but I really wanna know what else there is to this crush of yours." I smiled widely and midoriya chuckled.
"I don't know what I'm going to do at this point, maybe if I started to leave small gestures in his room while is isn't there-"His muttering continued for a while. I didn't even know what to say until I got an idea I tapped his shoulder trying to break him from his trance in which he responded with a jump followed by an apology. "Its a kind gesture I guess but I'd be creeped out if I kept finding gift in my room from a random person." I laughed and he hung his head in defeat. "Don't look so grim I got a very manly idea, it's a little something I like to call confrontation." I smiled proudly.
"Confrontation?" His eyes widened " Y-you mean TALK TO HIM!!!!
"Yeah man all you need to do is tell me who it is and I'll do the rest!!"
"K-kirishima are you sure?" I placed my hand on his shoulder. " I'll always help a bro out, So who is it?" He blushed slightly and then spoke quietly. "T...T-odo...."
I leaned in closer and put my ear to his mouth to hear him clearly. "Dude you'll have to speak up."
"IT'S TODOROKI!!" He shouted. He caught me so off guard that I fell forward praying to catch myself before I completely hit the ground...but in the end my efforts were futile as the position I landed in was not an ideal one. "S-sorey Midoriya-".

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