Rainbow Skies

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It was dark, with only the moon serving as a source of light.
It rained, water dropping from the crying heaven, and it seemingly reflected what my heart feels like.
Limbs numb, I hugged myself as I keep myself from shattering into pieces.

The only thing left in my world was me.

Until a familiar figure came passing by.
It was familiar as remembering and reminding yourself to breathe, live, and still continue to go on with life.
And as he passed by the dimmed streets where I was, colors started to spread.

Along the horizon, the sun was waving goodbye to his lover, as the moon replaces the sun on its throne, the sun going back to where it came from.
Purple skies mixed with orange ones,
city lights flickering, and all the pains and sufferings were gone. Everything became ethereal.

Like the color of the skies mixing beautifully with each other, my feelings were too.
The pain disappeared and was replaced by happiness and fulfilment.
Contented that he existed.

And like the color of the skies, he was beautiful as he is.
Simply breathing, living the life he has.

He represented the dome sky,
He represented every colour that made up her personality,
He held every color inside himself, that made me fall in love with him, every single time I lift my head up.

And most of it all, he was a rainbow.
Colorful and beautiful,
and he was there always,
after the rain.

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