Daenny P.O.V

764 15 2

I slowly opened the cold oak door, It was him. Why? His cold eyes traced me up and down, I suppose he was pleased with my thin white cotten sleeping gown, I could tell by the slow, sinister smirk that spread across his face. 

"Brother, Such a lovley thought, it warmens my heart that you thought of m-"

He raised his hand quickly signalling me to be quiet, I stopped speaking instantly.

"Will you not step aside and allow me entrance?"

He snapped angrillily at me, his smile now vanished and in its place a ferocious frown. I stepped away from the door while mumbling some vague apology. Which he seemed to accept because he had presently sat down on the side of my bed. I stared at the ground wishing him to leave me in peace on MY last night, I could feel his own lilac eyes glaring painfully in my direction, I knew what was coming.

"Sister do you not love me?"

"Of course Brother"

I reply automatically.

"Do I disgust you?"

"Of course not brother"

I know my lines well.

"Would you die for me?"

"Of course brother"

I almost believe these deluded lies myself.

"Good, Right then. Enough of such talk, tonight is a very special night. For you anyways"

He stood from my bed and moved slowly and catlike towards me, I could almost hear his sickening purs. He now stood full height towering above me, and yet again I felt powerless, I just stood there as he pressed his cold damp lips against the burrow of my neck. Pray to the Gods that is as far as this gets.

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