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The ride back was almost silent, the only talking was coming from Jin-Hyung as he spoke with Jimin, Yoongi-Hyung's music could also be heard faintly despite the fact he wore earphones.

I observed Taehyung closely during the drive, noticing how often he was looking at Yoongi and how if he saw me watching him he'd act as thought nothing had happened. My mind was being swarmed with questions about how he would've been able to find out about something that I only knew after sharing a house with him alone for almost a whole year.

We got out when we arrived at the hotel and before Yoongi-Hyung and V could go into their room I stopped them, "Hold it. Yoongs, go in there for a bit and yell at some idiots."

I redirected Yoongi to the room across the hall that I shared with Hobi-Hyung and Jin, he was pretty willing to go anyway. He clearly knew what I was doing and before entering the room he whispered to me, "I heard a drawer this morning after he took it."

Then I pushed Taehyung into the room he was already headed for and followed him in, telling him to sit on the bed as I shut the door.

"Who's told you what about Yoongi and why?" I took a seat at the table and slammed my fist down at the end of my sentence, it wasn't hard but the action made him jump.

"Nobody has said anything, and what's there to tell anyway?" He seemed kinda confused but had the smallest hint of nerves in his voice and posture, if you couldn't tell already; I'm pretty good at reading people.

I casually got up and walked around the room as I spoke, subtly making my way towards the bedside table, "Well I have reason to believe you know something that's impossible for you to know since I'm the only one he's told and I know I haven't said shit to you."

"What are you talking about, Namjoon-Hyung?" I opened the drawers as quietly as I could, silently looking for one particular thing, the drawers were below the level of the bed so he couldn't see what I was doing.

I found more than I thought would be there and grabbed them in my hands, dropping them in a pile on the bed, "Explain."

His eyes widened at the sight of the dummies and he stumbled over his words before forming a functional sentence, "Tho-Those are mine, yeah. From when I was young, they remind me of my childhood so I bring them on tour!"

"You and I both know that's absolute bull. These are for Yoongi-Hyung and you give them to him when he sleeps, we both know that, the only thing I don't know is why you do it." His face went red and he gathered the dummies, rushing to the side of the bed I was sat on and stuffing them back into the drawer. 

"You know how he sucks on his finger when he sleeps," I nodded, still giving him a suspicious look, "Well, the first night we shared this room I may or may not have let him suck on my finger, I don't know why but I did. He has a tiny mouth, as we all know, and my fingers are kinda long but I thought he'd prefer something that wasn't his own finger. So I kinda, sorta bought him those and just let him use them when he sleeps, in my defense he seems to be sleeping a lot better now that he has them. I'm sorry, I should've asked him if he wanted them first but I didn't."

By that time my expression had completely softened, he was a true caregiver at heart but didn't realize because he was oblivious to Yoongi's past and secrets. I placed my hand on his and spoke gently, eyes slightly watering at the thought of how Yoongi had changed, "Keep doing that, please. I want little Yoongi back, don't tell him I said this of course."

I laughed and he seemed surprised at my sudden emotional state and the fact that I was suddenly not mad at him anymore. But how could I be, he was slowly bringing back my favourite happy little baby. When we lived together, after he'd told me, I was the closest thing he had to a caregiver, he never thought of me as one and I never thought of myself as his. I was more like his babysitter and best friend when he slipped, we always discussed how one day he'd find the perfect daddy and he'd love him as best he could. I really did miss that Yoongi, happy Yoongi. 

He was even happier when he was big, just because he was freely letting himself be.

"Namjoon-Hyung, can I ask you something?" I replied with a small 'of course' and listened to him speak, "Is there any reason why he would call me Taetae and thank me for giving him a dummy, like, while he's awake?"

"When did this happen, Taehyung?" he looked down at his lap and fiddled with his own fingers.

"He woke up last night and I panicked and said sorry for the dummy, I tried to explain to him why I did it but he interrupted and said 'thank you taetae', he kinda said it in a baby voice too. Then I tried to see if he remembered it this morning but he doesn't seem to remember waking up at all last night."

"Ah, so that's why everything is weird. Look, it's not really my place to tell yo-" He interrupted me with something that made me honestly think he could read my mind.

"Well he isn't gonna tell me, and from what I can tell it's something that you want me to know and probably something I should know if you want me to keep up with the dummy routine at night." I looked down guiltily and then over at the door, thinking about Yoongi's reaction earlier when he thought I had told Taehyung.

"Okay, fine. But you do not repeat any of this, okay?" He nodded, I felt as if I was betraying my best friend in the worst way I could, that wasn't too far off the reality though.

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