Facts 1831-1860: Frozen Themed Page

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This is the update you all have been waiting for. This is the Disney phenomina you all have requested for me to do since the first Fact Themed Page was released. This is the Disney movie that has taken the animated film industry by storm!

This, is Frozen!

Fact #1831 

Director Jennifer Lee was the first woman to direct a Disney animated feature.

Fact #1832 

Since the movie’s release, the names Elsa and Anna have become increasingly popular for baby girls.

Fact #1833 

In development, the movie started out with the ending first.

Fact #1834 

Fifty different animators worked on the scene where the Ice Palace was built.

Fact #1835 

To infuse the script with Norwegian words, accents, and phrases, filmmakers hired Jackson Crawford, a professor of Old Norse and Scandinavian mythology at UCLA.

Fact #1836 

Anna’s horse is named Sitron, which is Norwegian for “lemon.”

Fact #1837 

In March, two firemen in Boston sang “Let It Go” to a girl stuck in an elevator to calm her down in order to rescue her.

Fact #1838 

There are three references to Arrested Development in the film. Can you name them all?

Fact #1839 

Limited edition Frozen Elsa and Anna dolls have been selling for $10,000 on eBay.

Fact #1840 

Olaf references Bert’s penguin dance from Mary Poppins when he performs “In Summer.”

Fact #1841 

Oaken the shopkeeper might have a same-sex partner. When he shows a picture of his family to Anna it features another man in a sauna with his four children. When Disney was asked if Oaken was intended to be gay, they didn’t confirm his sexual orientation, but hinted that they knew exactly what they were doing.

Fact #1842 

The character of Kristoff was influenced by the Sami people, who are indigenous to northern Norway.

Fact #1843 

Megan Mullally from Will and Grace was originally cast as Elsa.

Fact #1844 

Frozen was originally supposed to be a 2D movie.

Fact #1845 

The animation team created a snowflake generator program to build 2,000 different snowflake shapes they could use.

Fact #1846 

“Let It Go” was written in a day.

Fact #1847 

Some of the effects used for Elsa’s magic were in fact hand drawn and not added by CG. This includes key scenes of Elsa using her magic to freeze water. 

Fact #1848 

Trips to different ice hotels in Quebec City were taken to study how light reflects and refracts off ice. 

Fact #1849 

Acting coaches were brought in to help animators create major and subtle character movements. So when you see Anna bite her lip, or Elsa’s diaphragm move, this is something both Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel, respectively, do in real life. Basically if it made it more believable, the animators put that in. 

Fact #1850 

Idina Menzel also auditioned to play Rapunzel in Tangled. Disney later approached her for the Frozen role.

Fact #1851 

There is a hidden Mickey Mouse in Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post and Sauna. 

Fact #1852 

Elsa is the only Disney princess who is not a teenager. According to director Jennifer Lee, Elsa is 21 and her sister Anna is 18.

Fact #1853 

Kristen Bell dreamed of being a Disney Princess since she was a child. Bell also auditioned for Rapunzel’s role, but was chosen for Frozen instead.

Fact #1854 

There was originally an intro for Kristoff that involved action and climbing with pick axes, mountain man-style but it was cut from the movie.

Fact #1855 

Originally, Kristoff punched Hans. Near the end of the movie, Anna takes a swing at Hans, knocking him off the boat, but from what Jennifer and Chris said, it was originally Kristoff's punch and it happened sooner. "Originally, Kristoff punched Hans right after Anna froze but it took away from the moment. We really wanted it to be a POP, to be a surprise."

Fact #1856 

In Frozen, they ended up with 312 character rigs, which is more than they've built for any of the other Disney films. They also have 245 cloth rigs – that's 245 simulated costumes – which is far beyond the amount that they've created for all of our Disney films combined to this point.

Fact #1857 

Surprisngly what's never been done before is that previous Disney Princesses have never been designed with underwear or any kind of layers. Anna and Elsa were the first.

Fact #1858 

In an early version of the story, Elsa had a large army of creepy snow creatures.

Fact #1859 

A castle in Oslo inspired the royal castle of Arendelle.

Fact #1860 

The original plan was for Elsa to have dark hair before completing her transformation into The Snow Queen. It was also going to be shorter and almost punk rock in style. That idea was scrapped.


I hope you all enjoyed these facts as much as I did! And check out the Dubstep remix to Let It Go I posted to the right side of the page!

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