Chapter Two

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Let us move to a lighter note.

We all know the story of Rapunzel. Her and Eugene's story is a beautiful one. Yet, there is much more to the story than thought. Yes it is true they got married, but not much later, the baby came. A beautiful brunette. Adelaphine. This satisfied the parents. While Rapunzels hair had been amazing, they had decided it better if she didn't have any sort of power. While Gothel was a wicked woman, she had made a point. people would want her hair. When she was born, thy rejoiced in her brunette ness, yet the magic of the golden flower was passed down even stronger than rapunzel had gotten it. Adelaphine grew hearing stories of her mothers hair, and how blessed they where for her normality, but one night, things changed. Adelaphine was about eight at the time. She lay in her bed, dreaming beautiful things, when she saw a light. She opened her eyes to see amazing trails of light floating all around her room leading from her hands. She closed her eyes and concentrated, and slowly the lights faded. She held out her hand, and with the flight of the wrist a light beam shot out and flew up in a flurry of amazing swirls. She smiled and giggled when she heard a knock on the door. "Adelaphine? Are you still awake?" Her mothers voice called. She suddenly panicked. She thrust her hand and the lights exploded midair and faded as her mother walked in. "Adelaphine! Are you ok?" She slowed her breathing and replied, "Yes Mama. I'm fine." Rapunzel gave her a questioning look, then left. From then on she learned. Her powers are a bad thing. Her parents had taught her that. She would never use them. No one needed to know they even existed.

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