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April Witwicky is a girl with more problems than she would like to count.

Lets name a few shall we?

One, she has bright yellow eyes that seem to glow in the dark and her pupils are like those of a cat. But you know, her being the genius she is; always wears goggles. At school a few people questioned it, but after getting a punch or two in the nose, they backed off. A few people think that they actually look cool.

Okay, another problem. She has a very short fuse, so short you would beleive she doesnt even have one, and whenever she gets too angry; metal seems to strangely, umm, bend to her will.

Lets tell you one more and then thats it.

Okay, you might want to get a firm grip on your socks, because they're about to be knocked off.

One her 16 birthday, at excactely midnight, she turned into, a giant robot.

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