Saved // Part One.

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The storm had come so suddenly.

It had been clear, blue skies one second and raging winds the next. The rain pounded and the thunder screamed, lightning flashing so brightly that it was nearly blinding. Your little boat rocked and swayed with each rolling wave, the wild seas threatening to overtake you at any second.

You hadn't seen it coming. Hadn't expected it.

And now you were left to struggle your way through the storm, praying to just make it a moment more...The salty air and raging winds nearly choked you, fear stealing your very breath as you fought to keep yourself afloat. But all your fighting and praying was worth nothing...

A prayer cannot stop a storm.

A fight cannot defeat the sea.

And a mortal cannot stand against the will of the fates.

With one mighty wave crashing, you soon found yourself being thrown from your boat, you screaming echoing out into the stormy sky. The sea swallowed you like a hungry creature snatching its next meal, salt water burning your throat and eyes as you desperately tried to swim. Once or twice you broke through to the surface, stealing a breath of air, only to be pulled back down. And then...


Darkness surrounding you. Cold water and strong currents pulling you deeper and deeper into the sea.

Nothing except for the deep, dark ocean.

Suddenly you were so, so tired...your eyes began to close, searching the water as they did.

Darkness. Rippling waves. And the flash of a silvery shark tail racing towards you...

(Part One! Part two will be coming in a couple of days, so stay tuned! Happy Mermay!!)

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