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She came over once we made eye contact and took the empty seat next to me. "Hey Y/N, haven't seen you in a while how have you been?" She said cheerfully. "I've been fine, thanks for asking. How about you? You seem happy." I replied. "I'm great I just met someone I havent seen or talked to in a long time." I nodded and opened my mouth to say something but the teacher cut me off. She started explaining something stupid about class procedures and stuff which I ignored until the bell rang.

Everyone had shuffled out the door heading to lunch. The cafeteria was filled with hungry kids eager to get food. Me and Aria stood in line listening to the chatter spread out around us. I shifted from foot to foot anxiously waiting for my food.

"Let me see your schedule." I got pulled from my thoughts when she  spoke.
'what? Oh here." I handed her my schedule that had previously been in my hands and glanced over her shoulder to look at the two pieces of paper being compared.

" We have almost all of our classes together except for 3rd hour." The paper was slid back into my hands as we moved forward in line.  "Sweet" I smiled a bit knowing I wouldn't be totally alone in my classes.

Later that day it was 5th hour. Me and Aria sat next to each other again. Most of the time I would just stare at her captured by her beauty. At one point she met my gaze and we just stared at each other and awkardly looked away and back at the teacher. Although I couldn't pay attention I could feel her eyes still stareing at me. I felt really nervous and stiff and I bary noticed the note she slipped me. It read "Are you okay you look like you might pass out." I felt like an idiot. But it gave me an idea. I responded with "Play along ." I got up and wobbled over to the teachers desk. "Ms. Teacher I don't feel good." She looked up from grading papers and looked shocked. "Ok have someone take you to the nurse I will write you a pass." She said. "I will go with her to make sure she doesn't pass out." Aria said walking over to me. I really felt like I might pass out now. "Ok take as long as you need." The teacher said. Aria took the pass and helped me out of the room. Once we were halfway to the nurses office she stopped walking and said "You don't really want to go to the nurse do you?" I shook my head no. "Then what do you want to do?" She said. "You." I replied smiling. She looked shocked at first but then smiled. "Great choice." She said walking up to me.

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