Six: Field Trip

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Peter was sitting in science class as the teacher was handing out blue trip forms.

When Peter got his, he flipped it over to read where he would be going.

When he saw the location, Peter slumped in his chair.

The Avenger's compound. Perfect.

A small groan escaped past Peter's lips.

Peter took a quick glance over to Flash. He was looking at Peter with a smirk on his face, probably thinking that he was going to expose Peter and prove that he was right by proving that Peter was lying, even though he wasn't.

"Everybody, quiet down," The teacher said loudly. "I know you're all very excited about the field trip, just listen for a minute. You have to bring in your form tomorrow, or else you won't be able to come with the rest of your classmates. This was a last minute thing that was put together. Our school won a draw for a tour of Stark towers." She smiled when she finished talking.

"Alright, let's get started with today's lesson."

Peter ignored his teacher for most of the class. It was just review anyway.

The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Peter quickly scooped up his stuff and rushed to the door before Flash could taunt him about his internship but Peter didn't leave fast enough, Flash was by his side.

"What's up Penis Parker? You excited for the trip, where everyone will know that your Stark internship is fake." Flash taunted.

"Go away Flash," Peter sighed.

Flash laughed as he walked to his next class. Ned came up to Peter, replacing Flash's spot.

"Sorry about Flash, man. He's a real jerk." Ned apologized.

"It's okay, Ned. Let's go to language, I don't want Mrs. Robinson yelling at us for being fifteen seconds late." Peter said.

Ned nodded they pushed through the groups of people and the slow walkers. , pushed through

Peter and Ned arrived at language in time. They picked two desks near to the back of the classroom, mainly to avoid being picked on by the teacher.

The class went by quickly, they had to write a short essay, that had to be three hundred and fifty words. Any more than that, and you had to write it again.

Peter sat at his desk anxiously on each class, waiting for the final bell to signal their freedom from school.

Peter and Ned were walking home from school together until they got to the intersection where they had to split up.

"See you tomorrow at the field trip, Peter," Ned said as he and Peter did their handshake.

"Bye, Ned," Peter said.

Peter speed walked home so he could get home to May.

Peter arrived at his apartment. Peter took the old cement stairs, which were covered in stains because the elevator was under repair.

Peter walked into his apartment. He set down his bag by the small shoe rack then he went over to May, who was sitting on the couch watching her favourite show.

"Hey, Aunt May, I'm going on patrol soon. I have this trip to the tower tomorrow, and I need you to sign the form." Peter said.

"Okay, be careful, Pete. I love you." May said as she took the form from Peter.

"Thanks, May! I'll be careful," Peter said.

Peter dashed over to his room to grab his suit and ran back to the front door and stuffed the suit into his backpack and he walked out the front door.

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