Twelve: Bored

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Peter lay sprawled on Tony's expensive couch. His ankles were resting on the top of the couch while his knuckles brushed the floor.

The Office was playing in the background.

"Mister Stark," Peter called out. "I have a problem."

"What is it, kid?" Tony called from the kitchen, brewing a cup of coffee.

"I'm bored," Peter complained again.

"So you've said," Tony replied sarcastically. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, normally I have twenty pounds of homework or I'm spiderman or I'm building Star Wars Lego with Ned," Peter responded.

"Do you want to make something? We have nothing to eat." Tony said.

"Yes! Let's make a cake." Peter exclaimed.

Peter slid down from the couch, nearly jostling his head on the coffee table on the trip down.  He ran over to the kitchen where Tony was nursing a hot cup of coffee.

"A cake? You want to bake a cake at-" Tony checked his watch "- at eight fifty in the morning."

"Yeah, then we can eat it for lunch!"

"Okay, whatever,"

Peter got out all the ingredients and two bowls.

"Here," Peter handed Tony a measuring cup and the flower. "You do this while I put in the baking powder."

Tony mumbled in response.  He took the bag of flour from the cupboard and set it down on the counter.  

He opened the bag and poured the flour into the measuring cup.  The whole bag of flour emptied onto the counter and floor, making it look like there had been a miniature blizzard in Tony's very expensive kitchen. 

Tony let out a loud groan.

"Mister Stark, wha-"  Peter ran into Tony's chest while he turned around to see what had transpired.  The box of baking powder had spilled all over Tony's hair and shirt.

"Really,"  Tony went to take a sip of his coffee, only to see that there was a blend of flour and baking powder floating on top. 

Neither of them spoke for a long minute.

Tony then swept the flour into the half-empty cup, filling it to the rim.  He brought the cup over Peter's head and dumped it over his brown curls, that were now turned white.

"Well, well, well... how the turntables..."  The voice of Micheal Gary Scott spoke from the television. 

"Yeah, what he said,"  Tony said. 

After a painstakingly long hour, they had finally made the batter.  

"Let's put it in the pans,"  Peter said. 

 Peter walked over to the pans.  As luck would have it, Peter slipped in the flour that was still all over the floor.  The bowl left Peter's hands and landed upside down on the floor with most of the batter still in the bowl.  There was only a small ring of chocolate batter on the outside of the bowl.  

"Great, what are we supposed to do now, Pete?"  Tony said, unimpressed. 

"I don't know, we can leave it for someone else to clean,"  Peter suggested.  "As a teenager, it's one of the things I do best."

"I like the way you think, kid,"  Tony said, "'Cause I have no idea how we are gonna clean this up." 

"Let's watch TV until Vison or someone comes down and cleans it up."

Unfortunately for Tony and Peter, the next person to walk into the kitchen was Natasha, who made the duo clean up the colossal mess while she sipped her morning coffee. 


Word count: 568


Just a short little thing I came up with.  School sucks and I have a test tomorrow, great.  Also, I would appreciate it if you guys would check out my artbook, thanks!

I'm working on a few ideas for one-shots that I will hopefully have up soon but you never know.

The one that I'm writing now is going to be long, so it might be a while before I get it up


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