breathing cigarettes

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their lungs breathe cigarettes.

smoke curls around them; it's thick, putrid. yet they inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. slowly burn their life away.

chemicals poison their bodies, thoughts plague their minds. and the today girls wonder: like the wispy tendrils of smoke, stretching slowly, reaching, then dissipating - is that the life that they, too, will live?

too fast, too deadly, then disappearing to nothing? will memories* remain, like the lingering smell after a cigarette? (rancid, like decaying lungs and rotten, like broken hearts.) will they be remembered for this?

ash falls to the carpet.

'it stinks in here', they think, but only for a second.

* - demons that lurk in the back of our skulls, that reveal themselves when we're at our lowest.

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