poetry-laced blood

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their blood is laced with poetry.

every stanza flows straight from their heart to the paper, no filters. lies do not exist within the words scribbled across the page, no. only pure, unadulterated honesty* is written down. and they know this is a weakness, such a terrible weakness, but they cannot simply keep this poetry trapped within their veins - something far more dangerous than any truth untold.

you see, these words travel around their body, searching for an escape. they're lost, in need of some reality; too drugged up on the today girls' inner fantasies. they need to get out. they need to get out. and if they can't?

well, these words begin to clasp onto the girls' thoughts; taking over, destroying, until all that is left in their (messed up) minds is the desire to go some place else.

some place that's not here.

(maybe, possibly, the same place where all the yesterday girls ran off to.)

* - a word which seems to hold no meaning, nowadays.

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