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Tomorrow was our first game of the season and I wasn't ready, I needed to be with Adam becaus he always knows how to calm me down before a game. 

I was at my locker, getting my textbooks to get to my next class when someone's hands went over my eyes.

"Guess who?" They say.

"Is it my smoking hot boyfriend Adam?" I say and he hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek.

"So you have a game tomorrow and I know you are nervous but I can't stay with you tonight babe, I'm sorry, I really want to but Varsity takes up all my time

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"So you have a game tomorrow and I know you are nervous but I can't stay with you tonight babe, I'm sorry, I really want to but Varsity takes up all my time. And we always have homework, I'm definitely coming to the game though, just tonight I can't. I really am sorry babe, I'll make it up to you," he says hugging me.

"Don't worry it's fine, I can't rely on you on everything right? Look it's okay, it's fine, I'm fine. I have to go to class, I'll see you whenever I guess," I kiss his cheek and leave before he can talk to me.

I probably shouldn't have pushed him away like that since I don't really see him and it wasn't his fault but I can't be near him right now. I just have to find a new way to deal with this.

The game...

The game was starting and luckily Charlie was about to help calm me down.

We had on the warrior jerseys and skated onto the ice, the band still blaring. 

"Gather around. Let's go, come on hustle up," We all skated to Coach. 

"All right think defense, hands in. Here we go," He said. We started quacking. 

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Knock that off, what the hell is that? Alright, go team on three," He demanded and counted.

"Go team," I grumbled  

"Go team how original," 

"Let's get it, boys," I smiled and got on the left of Charlie. The puck dropped and Charlie stole it while Fulton pushed some guys down. The puck was passed to me and I shot it into the net. The team cheered and hugged me.

I looked at the crowd and saw Adam stand up and cheer right before being pulled down by Riley.

"Knuckle puck time!" Russ yelled and did his famous move

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"Knuckle puck time!" Russ yelled and did his famous move.  We faced off again and Luis got the puck.  He skated quickly and made a goal, but of course couldn't stop so he jumped over the net and ran into the boards. 

"Wu! Solano! Switch!" Coach yelled. I got in the box and watched our team showboat, not to mention we were beating their asses.  Dwayne did his little fancy puck handling and the siren went off. Averman quickly passed it to Charlie who made a goal.  Julie missed the goal and the bears got a shot. 

"Alright, change it up. Mendoza, Roberts, Solano," Coach said. I hopped onto the ice and got the puck. I started skating to the goal but someone tripped me and before I know it, the siren went off. 

"Fucking bitch," I groaned and got up.  Charlie guarded one of the guys who got the puck next, the player dodged Charlie and scored. Charlie got mad and he broke his stick over the goal, he was taken to the penalty box for "unsportmenship" which is bullshit if you ask me.

My eyes widened, what the hell is happening to Charlie? What the hell is happening to me?  Usually he has to calm me down when Adam couldn't, not the other way. 

At the last minute, the Bears took out there goalie to add another player. Charlie got out of the box, he got the puck and kept going even though we were all open.  He tripped over his own fucking feet and the puck stopped right in front of the goal. The Bears stole it and we tied.

I threw my stick down and my helmet off.  "You've gotta be fucking kidding me Charlie!" I exclaimed, shoving him. "Oh give me a break Alex," he says shoving me back. We were both getting heated and we kept shoving each other but the refs tore us apart.

"Ooh, Solano's becoming a bit of a hot head. Better be careful or she'll melt the ice," The announcer said.  

Back in the locker room...

In the locker room, we all yelled at each other, I started arguing to Charlie cause you can bet your ass that i was not done talking to him.

"Charlie what the fuck was that?! We were all open!" I yelled. 

"I thought I would make it!" He yelled back. 

"You can't always be the fucking star, Charlie! You just can't," (Alex)

"What are we playing for anyways?! Some stupid school, the alumni? I mean, Warriors? What the hell are we?" Charlie said to everyone. 

"Look, man we're on scholarship. I'm staying," Russ said. 

"Fine, sell out," Fulton sneered. 

"Man, who you calling sell out?!" Russ yelled and shoved Fulton. 

"Hey, Get your hands off of him!" Charlie yelled and shoved Russ.

"Fuck off all of you!" I yelled and shoved Charlie. 

"Oh, so you're staying too?" Fulton asked me.  "I'm not going back to fucking New York. I'm on scholarship and I'm here to play hockey," I said angrily. 

"Sell out," Fulton said.

"Fuck off, okay? I don't need you to fucking tell me what to do. I don't have a choice, Fulton. We can't all run home to mommy and daddy if we don't like the school!" I yelled.  Coach stormed in only making me even angrier. 

"How long does it take to score a goal?!" He yelled throwing a puck at the wall. Everyone ducked. 

"Less than a second," Coach continued, "that means no lead is safe if you can't play defense!" 

"Now get this straight! I don't give a damn how many goals you score! I want one number on your mind; zero as in shutout. You got that? Practice tomorrow five a.m. gotta get up early if you wanna hunt goose eggs," Coach said and slammed the doors. 

"Hey, who took my clothes?" Guy asked. That's when we heard the showers running. We walked to the showers to see all our clothes and to put the icing on the cake they wrote,"freshman stink." 

"Fuck this," I rolled my eyes and walked out in full gear. I am so done with Eden fucking Academy and everyone in it, including the ducks.  I pushed open the doors and continued to walk. Adam saw me and started walking to me.  "Hey, can we talk?" He says. 

"No," I said sharply. 


"Just leave me alone, okay? I don't want to talk," I say and walk away, shoving his shoulder as I walked past him.

I go straight to my dorm and change, I call my parents. Whenever I can't talk to one of the ducks, I call my parents to rant.

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