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the next day...

*you & jacob wake up and y'all get dressed and get out of the tour bus y'all hear so much people screaming y'alls name so y'all run inside  we're inner circles at and there was 8 people who got inner circle*

jacob: you ready

y/n: ofc :))

*jacob opens the door and lets those 8 fans in they were crying and screaming they all sit down at a table*

jacob: how was y'all's day? :)

fans: it was amazingggg

matt: okayyy guys yall are gonna ask y/n and jacob questions so y'all all b quiet plz

*gets in silence*

y/n: *points at a fan*

fan: what are y'all gonna name the baby?

y/n: wellll we don't know if it's a girl or boy yet (:

jacob: okay next.. you! *points at a another fan*

fan: are you scared to be a teen dad and mom?

jacob and y/n: ofc not !

*ima skip the rest. inner circle ends*
*then m&g starts then general admission and then the day ends*

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