telling him..

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nurse: y/n?

y/n: im sorry um

nurse: so who is it we're going to have to tell him

y/n: it's jacob..

nurse: sartorius?

y/n: yes 😩

nurse: okay ill go get him what class his he in right now?

y/n: he's in mrs.vandaeles class

nurse: okay wait here if you need to throw up the trash cans right there *points at it*

*the nurse gets jacob from class and takes him to u*

nurse: jacob.. something is every serious I'll let y'all talk alone *closes the door*

jacob: y/n..

y/n:jacob are you gonna get mad at me

jacob: for?

y/n: i think im pregnant..

jacob: fr? 😓 how am i gonna tell my mom and how am I always gonna be with you and the baby everyday

y/n: we'll figure it out and idk how im gonna tell my mom also..

jacob: can I stay at ur house i have to take care of u

y/n: jacob no you don't 😂

jacob: yes i do baby 😩🖤

y/n: okay ill ask the nurse if we can leave *walks out the door and jacob follows*

nurse: hey guys
y/n: um can we and jacob go home please

nurse: yeah ofc y'all can i know this is a really big deal especially when y'all are this young

y/n: okay ill call my mom

*phone with mom*
y/ns mom: hey sweetie
y/n: mom.. can you pick up jacob and i plz we have to tell you something
y/n's mom: yeah im on my way
y/n: okay bye ily
y/n's mom: ily2 bye
*call ends*

*y/n's mom gets there*
y/n and jacob get in the car

y/n's mom: so what happends guys

y/n: mom im pregnant and i know for a fact jacobs the baby daddy he's the only boy I'd had sex with *starts tearing up*

jacob: plz don't get mad

y/n's mom: y'all should know better if y'all were gonna do anything  y'all should of had protection

y/n: i know mom im sorry..

yns mom: guys this is life changing get that in your brain "im sorry" isn't gonna help

jacob: exactly but we're gonna try to work this out..

*gets to y/n's house*

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