skip to 5 days later you and jacob started going back to school but y'all sometimes miss and stay at his house and he stays at your most of the time. now that y'all barley go to school the teacher asked if y'all and do a project together to get y'alls grade up.
in jacobs room.
jacob: how tf are we gonna do this *looks at the poster*
y/n: ugh idk i don't know shit about mars ngl😂
jacob: damn y/n😂 i actually thought you were smart
y/n: i mean we can just search it up and we can get in done easily *looks at jacob*
jacob: yeah duh *looks at y/n and smiles*
sooo after y'all were done with the project this is what it looks like..
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y/n: omfg were so talented
jacob: I did most of the work babeee😂
y/n: true . 😂💗 ily
jacob: ily2 so I have a question..
y/n: okayy what is it?
jacob: so
y/n: ..
jacob: how l-long do yo-u wanna be with me y/n?
y/n: as long as I die :) *smiles and hugs him*
jacob: fr?
y/n: ofc jacob were about to have a kid together I did the right choice and i let cum in me and i would never regret it *laughs*
jacob: ha *smiles*
y/n: your so fucking cuteee
jacob: you are too *gets a call* wait baby can I get this