It was Friday now, and it was like any normal day. I got up got ready for school, walked to school, impatientley waited for the bell to ring, and went to my first period class.
I was sitting in the science classroom, while i pretened to type on the computer when in reality it was turned off. I turned my head and looked over to the other side of the room, and i saw Hunter making a face at me, so i made them back. The bell rang for lunch, so i packed all my stuff together and walked to my locker. I put my stuff away, and got out my lunchpale.
"sit over here" my friend Erin said.
I walked over to where she was sitting, and plopped down in the seat beside her. After that, Livy and Mya came and sat with us. It was a normal lunch until Andrew comes and pulls up his chair beside Mya. Then Spencer comes and sits beside Livy, and lastly Hunter comes and sits beside me. Under the desk he keeps stepping on my shoes and moving my legs around, so i step on his shoes back, and move my legs back to where they were.
"Lets play truth or dare!!!" Andrew says.
Everyone agrees, and we start playing.
"Okay, Livy you go first" Andrew says.
"Okay. Spencer truth or dare?" she says.
"okay, i dare you to go lick the teachers computer screen."
He got up and licked the computer screen casually.
"Andrew truth or dare?" Spencer says.
"I dare you to go lick part of the chalkboard, that has chalk on it".
He went over to the chalkboard and we followed, he licked the chalk on the chalkboard. And ran for his water bottle. We all burst out laughing.
"Okay, Hunter you go" Anderew said, still in disgust.
"okay, Acacia!".
"I'm not playing." I said scared to think of what he would have made me do.
A teacher comes in the room and tells us to pack up, for "recess". I grab my lunch bag and shove it in my locker. Erin is waiting for me at my locker, so i close my locker and walk with her down the hall, and outside. She hand me one of her earbuds and i put it in my ear. She turns on the song LIfe Of The Party by Shawn Mendes. I secretley sing the lyrics while we walk around the field.
We walk by the soccer feild, and somone calls us over. We walk over and stand there awkwardly not sure of why we got called over here. Hunter comes over, and hes about to say something but he just gives me hand gestures and walks away.
What was on my mind the whole day was what he was trying to tell me... Damn boys....