Chapter 11

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It gets to about 11 and I'm completely exhausted and just want to go home. But I know it's not about me so I sit down on the sofa and watch the rest of the room enjoy themselves. I haven't seen Louis for a while but i'm pretty sure he's either trying to control Niall and Michael in their influenced states, or he's becoming under the influence along-side them. Either way i'm not really bothered, I drove for a reason so either way i'll take him home

Someone sits down beside me on the leather sofa and I realize it's Calum; I could tell by the way he said his small "hey".

"Hows it going?" he asks as he sips some of the beer in his large hand.

"Yeah, it was really nice what youse done for the boys. They really appreciate it a lot" I thank him, placing a hand on his forearm.

"It's a pleasure, it's just a shame we can't support them for the first month because of our schedule here, so it was the least we could do" he smiles humbly. I don't really know much about the situation but all i know is the 5SOS boys have so much promo for their upcoming album that they can't support the boys on tour for the first month. But in 5SOS's defence, it was a late proposal from the boys because they wanted to tell them themselves and therefore had to wait for them to get back from Australia. Which also meant they had missed their spot and the boys had already had things organized.

I'm really going to miss Louis when he goes but i think i'm pretty prepared for it; he's been away before on tour when we first started dating and even though it was hard, I eventually adjusted. To make sure I don't get too lost or lonely without him, I'm just going to try and go out every day with my friends and try not to think about it too much.

"I'm exhausted" I yawn, feeling my eyelids get heavier by the second. 

"So am I" Calum agrees. "It seems to be becoming a trending thing that we are the sober ones that are ready for bed by 11pm, while everyone else is enjoying themselves."

"Yeah, I wish I enjoyed it but i just don't." my shoulders shrug as I turn to face the Kiwi guy beside me.

"Yeah I understand. All I really want to do is put on a film and cuddle Luke" he laughs and so do I. I haven't known them properly for long but I do admire Luke and Calum's relationship. I also know that their shipping name is Cake, which is the cutest things ever. To be honest, I admire the relationship between all of them; they are all so close, like brothers.

"Yeah if Mikey don't beat you there first" we both laugh at me reference. "Aw. Where is Luke?" Both our eye-lines search the room for a particular blonde-haired boy and eventually see him standing in the corner of the other end of the room as he watches our conversation. I've caught him staring twice now, I wonder what's going on.

Calum waves him over and eventually, he does. He sits beside Calum as we continue speaking loudly over the music and many guest. We laugh and joke for what feels like minutes but ends up really being an hour and I find myself actually enjoying the occasion. 

Calum's half way through telling a funny story about a plastic dog called Ketchup or something when Lou comes over with glassy eyes. 

"Are you ready to go?" he asks and I nod, turning to the guys and smiling.

We all stand up almost in sync and I say goodbye to Luke first, hugging him awkwardly and telling him thanks for the party. I then move to Calum and pull him in for a tighter hug. I tell him I need to hear the rest of the story and he tells me we need to do something soon in which I nod.

We then circulate the room, saying goodbye to all the people we know and thanking Ash for the invite. I decide to leave Niall and Michael to it as I watch them doing karaoke with empty glass bottles on the dining room table, with a certain Harry Styles videoing the funny scene. I laugh to myself and eventually decide to just text them later or tomorrow.

During the car journey, we decide to stay at Louis's and he begins to tell me all about how he's going to make me breakfast in bed the next day. Even though i'm pretty sure it will be the opposite way round, due to his large alcohol intake tonight.

"Babes I think I found a nice house you'd like" he slurs.

"Really?" I reply with a complete ecstatic expression.

"Yeah, I recon we'd get it if we put another 5 grand on the price and i'll pay for that too"

"Lou you're not paying for the house, I don't want to live off you, I want to contribute. But we'll talk about that tomorrow" I order.

"Okay baby." he stutters. He turns towards me in his fidgety state, staring straight at me. " But it's right near your work. The-the only thing is, the date that they want us in is the day before we leave to go on tour. After that and they won't let us have the house" he says and I wait a minute to take it all in.

"Okay babe well we'll wait to have this conversation tomorrow so you can actually remember the conversation. Besides, I might not even like it" I shrug.

"You will"

"And how do you know that?" I laugh. His lazy hand flies forward and pulls my left one away from the wheel, giving it a gentle peck and holding it tightly between both his rough hands. 

"Because I know you" 

When we get in, I wipe my makeup off and brush my teeth before ridding of my booze-smelling clothes and jumping into bed with another booze-smelling human. My mind begins to take me away for a few minutes before I slowly drift off and hours later, find myself waking to the smell of bacon.

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