14. shain

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On Wednesday, we had a fire drill during the middle of French class. Beside me, Kim jerked as the bell started shrieking, and I laughed gently. I followed her and Robin and Grace out of the classroom and into the parking lot. Erick, who was in the middle of his math class, walked over. 

     ‘‘Hey,’’ he said. ‘‘Perfect time for a fire drill, right? I think it’s starting to rain.’’

     ‘’Is it?’’ I looked up. The skies were depressingly gray. A raindrop, cold and brisk, splashed onto my nose. 

     Erick grinned. 

     I said, ‘’I think it’s starting to rain.’’ 

     He laughed softly and pressed his lips to my nose, kissing away the droplet. I laced my fingers with his, inhaling his green-apple smell. Soon it started to pour. I pulled up my hood, but Erick eventually got drenched in his thin polo. I brushed the wet strands of hair from his eyes, and he smiled at me like he loved the rain and the fire drill and the feel of my fingers on his skin. 

     The rain continued to pelt down. I was just about to say something to Erick about storms and lightning when something caught my eye: Grace and the blond guy she kept texting. Adrian, I remembered. He approached her and smiled genuinely, all blue eyes and white teeth. Grace smiled back. Adrian frowned, said something, and then took off his hoody and wrapped it around her. I would’ve expected Grace—sweet, simple Grace—to blush, but all she did was stare steadily at Adrian like he was something unbelievable. Which, to Grace, I guessed he was. 

     Megan came up to me, followed by Robin and Kim. She patted my shoulder and poked Erick’s and said, ‘‘What’s up?’’

     I pointed. ‘‘See for yourself.’’

     The five of us stared at Grace and Adrian. They were laughing about something. Grace touched Adrian’s shoulder gingerly, like she didn’t want to hurt him. Adrian’s eyes lingered on hers. 

     ‘‘Aww,’’ said Kim.

     Robin nodded. ‘‘Too cute.’’

     Erick laughed softly and leaned into me, pressing his chest to my shoulder blades. He asked, ‘‘What are you thinking?’’

     I said, ‘‘I’m thinking we need to get those two on a date.’’  

     So on Thursday, Kim phoned Adrian and told him to clear his schedule for tomorrow evening. Then, Friday after school, Robin, Kim, and I kidnapped Grace and took her to Robin’s house. The plan was to get her ready without telling her what the occasion was. Erick and I would also be there, chaperoning. So she changed into one of Robin’s nice shirts and jeans, Kim curled her hair, and I called Erick to have him pick us up. Ten minutes later, we stood outside the movie theatre. 

     ‘’Um, which movie are we going to see?’’ Grace asked.  

     ‘‘Dolphin Tale 2,’’ Robin answered. ‘‘Don’t worry, it’s only PG for mild thematic events. I’m sure you’ve seen worse.’’

     Grace said, ‘’Um.’’

     Grinning slightly, I nudged Kim. ‘‘Phase two?’’

     ‘’Oh! Right.’’ She smiled and said, ‘‘Back in a few,’’ before running off into the crowd. A few minutes later, she reappeared with Adrian, who was dressed rather elegantly in a plaid shirt and dark jeans. Robin looked at me like, Wow, she’s lucky, and I gave her a reply like, I know, right? Beside me, Erick coughed noticeably. 

     ‘‘And, voila,’’ Kim said. ‘‘Thanks for showing up, Adrian.’’

     Adrian nodded once, and then his eyes found Grace. He said, ‘‘Thanks for inviting me.’’ Grace blushed. 

     Kim said she had to leave for gymnastics, and Robin was about to accompany her when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out, said, ‘‘What the heck, Parker?’’ and texted something back quickly. 

     ‘‘What’s up?’’ I asked. 

     ‘‘Um, nothing much. Just a stupid request . . . but, um, I’ve gotta go. Kim, can you give me a ride up to your place?’’ Kim said yes, and the two of them said goodbye to us. Now it was just Grace, Adrian, Erick, and I. 

     Erick said, ‘‘Tickets?’’ 

     Adrian looked at Grace. Then he grinned at little and lead the way into the theatre. 

     We stood in line for six minutes before Adrian bought tickets for Grace and himself. I pulled out my wallet. Ever since Erick and I had started dating, we’d decided to take turns paying for each outing; tonight it was my turn. 

     I moved forward to the booth and was about to ask the guy for two tickets when he put a sign on the desk that said SOLD OUT and walked away. 

     Erick grimaced. ‘‘Are you kidding me?’’

     ‘‘Dang,’’ I said. 

     Grace looked back at us. ‘‘They sold out? Oh.’’

     ‘’We can go somewhere else,’’ Adrian said with forced politeness. 

     ‘’Um . . .’’ I put a hand on Erick’s elbow just as an idea popped into my head. ‘’Um, no it’s okay. You guys go ahead. I mean, if you’ve got the last tickets, you might as well use them. Erick and I can go for dinner or something.’’

     ‘‘You sure?’’ 

     Erick and I nodded. 

     Grace and Adrian looked at each other. 

     ‘‘Well, okay,’’ said Grace. ‘‘But call us if you change your mind, okay?’’

     ‘‘Yep. See you later.’’

     Erick and I left the theatre. I high-fived him. ‘‘Mission accomplished.’’

     ‘‘There was a mission?’’

     ‘‘Unconsciously, yes. But they’re alone now. Wanna bet on a kiss by the end of the night?’’

     ‘‘You mean for them or for us?’’ he asked with a smirk. 

     I pinched the skin of his wrist. ‘‘For them, silly. Five bucks that they’ll be officially together by Monday?’’

     ‘‘Okay.’’ Erick twined his hand with mine. ‘‘But I’m just saying that because I’m a good boyfriend. You’re going to win, you know.’’

     I said, ‘’I know.’’ 

     He kissed me. Then we went to Subway. 

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