44. zack

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The next day, Saturday, I called Jordyn because I wanted to ask if she wanted to go outside and build a snowman. My first call went to her voicemail, but I didn’t worry too much, because it was a Saturday and it was only ten a.m. She might’ve still been sleeping, especially after the dance last night. 

     I tried again at eleven, when she was probably up and dressed. Again, my call went to her voicemail. I tried again in fifteen minutes, but still nothing. It was only then that I realized something about her new voicemail:

     ‘‘Hi, you’ve reached Jordyn’s voicemail. At the moment, I’m probably too occupied to answer your call, but that doesn’t mean I’ll never get back to you. I’d appreciate it if you only left one message so that my phone doesn’t explode with them. I will seriously try and get back to your call when I can. Thanks.’’

     She was specifying me. Even though she didn’t mention my name, the voicemail had Zack written all over it. Just leave one message. She didn’t want me to call again. She’d probably recorded a new voicemail just for this reason.

     I talked to my sister about it, and she said to go check it out for myself. So I did. I walked over in the cold December morning and knocked on Jordyn’s front door. 

     Her brother Wes answered it. ‘‘Dude,’’ he said, ‘‘what’s up?’’

     I said, ‘’Is Jordyn here?’’

     ‘’No, man, she left like an hour ago with some guy. I’ll tell her you were here, though, if you want.’’

     My heart thudded in my chest, alive and thick with adrenaline. 

     I didn’t know how to react.

     ‘’No,’’ I said, ‘‘it’s okay. I’ll call her later. Um. Yeah. I’ll call her. Thanks, I guess.’’

     Wes said, ‘’No problem, dude,’’ and closed the door. 

     I walked back across the street and into my house and into my bedroom and I turned on my stereo and Imagine Dragons’ Tiptoe played, loud and violent, and I looked at the background picture on my phone—it was a shot of Jordyn kissing me on the cheek. Jared had taken it while he and Lindsey doubled-dated with Jordyn and I at the movies. The whole thing seemed so long ago, and Jordyn seemed like another Jordyn. 

     I wasn’t sure if I trusted her anymore.

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