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Jennie POV

[In the kitchen]
"Yo Jennie unnie!" lisa called making me starled as im too focused on these dessert

"Aish... lisa can you call me like a decent person?" I said hands on my chest
"I did.. but you didnt answer. Plus it is fun this way" lisa cheekyly(?) smile
I shake my head slowly not agreeing in what she said

"So why did you called me im the first place?" I tilted my head
"There's some guy named taehyung searching for you"
"Im telling you right now! Geez calm your ass unnie" she looked irritated that i screamed (?) at her face
"Sorry that I screamed  at you" I patted her shoulder why? because i can't reach her head
"But do I look decent enough?" I ask her while checking the mirror
And yes the kitchen do have mirror What? we need to look pretty even when cooking ok.
"You look cute unnie now go"


|italic- jen / normal- tae|
(Y? bcuz im lazy )

"Hmm.. taehyung?"  I called him
"Oh... H-Hi Jennie"  aw he sttuterd(? I forgot how to spell.)
"Lisa, said you want to see me. Why?"
"Just because"
"Eyyy.. don't be like that. Spill"
"Are you free this Saturday?"
"No. Im expensive"
"Aww.." *poutes
"Hey. Stop you look like a duck. And,no fun I cant even joke with you"
"So.. are you free or not? Bcause I want to asked you for dinner"
"A date? Us?"
"Yeah why? You dont like the Idea?"
"No. I would like too. At 8?"
"Yeah. At 8."
"Suprise me" and with a peck on Taehyung cheeks (dont ask me how she manage to reach) she self to continue her work leaving him dumb founded.


[With Liz n Kookie]
|normal-liz /bold- kookie|

"Awww look at them" lisa said pointing at Jennie and Taehyung to Jungkook who happend to searched for taehyung and being stopped by lisa
"Why? Youre Jealous?
"Me? Nah.. Im just happy with them"
"Oh I thought you are Jealous. I just thought of doing something if you are"
"Do what?"


Jungkook happend to peck lisa but not on her cheeks but on her lips making her flustered. Her face? Yeah pretty much like a strawberry. Why not tomato because I hate 'em

"Why..? What?"
"Ok bye" *winks

JK then leave the redish Lisa and go grab taehyung who is not finished dumbfounding himself

"Let's go tae"


(Sorry not been able to update.. Im pretty busy but now my school holiday just started Im not bz anymore so ill try to update. But dont hope to much. idea dont come rolling in my head because I only hve 2 brain cell. Plus do you know why I put bold as kookie's line? And It currently is 2.47 am here right now in Malaysia. Thats all Kbye. Luv ya♡)

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