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{Jisoo POV}

"Hey, hyo" I called out for Jihyo
"Can you come here a sec?"
"Sure. Wait a sec" she said

"What is it unnie?" Jihyo rested
her hand on my shoulde
"Here taste this" a fed her a spoon of my newly made dessert
"How was it?" I asked for her opinion
"Delicious, no to sweet but not to plain either. It is soft and the ceramel center is just WOW" she commented and asked
"What the name?"

Then my head start playing the scene when I was with him his plump lips and handsome face (lol, sorry)

"Unnie? Unnie!" Jihyo shaked my body
"Ah? Yeah??"
"Unnie your face is suddenly red? Is it hot or are you sick?"
I quickly touch my face. Gosh... it is red I guess even thinking of him can make me red...

"So unnie?" "What?"
"The name of this??"
"Ouh.. Maybe sweet angel?"
"Donno Just feel like it ^^"
"Whatever floats your boat unnie. Its your dish anyways" She smiled and continued

"So when are you going to launch this?"
"Maybe the day after tomorrow? I already did a few of these"
"But how youre gonna announce this?"
"SNS duhh. It will be easy er like that"
"Oh right. Good luck unnie"
"Thanks ji"


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7muses_cafe how about a stop to our cafe on Monday for a new treat?


{3rd POV}


"Whoa look unnie. theres alot of people wanting to taste the sweet angel you made" Momo commented looking at all the people at the table

"Yeah, they seem to surely enjoy them" Jisoo smiled at Momo
Because Jisoo already prepared alot of that Jihyo thinks its a good idea to let Jisoo sell it herself so she can see the people enjoing the dessert

"Look unnie. I've told you its delicious, and pretty sure everyone liked it" Jihyo commented this time

"I guess so"


The counter bell ringed cutting them from their small talk

"Hi? Can 1 have one of the new?" That voice Jisoo reconised it

"Yeah sure. Jisoo unnie one sweet angel please" Jihyo called for Jisoo

"Oh hi Jisoo" Jin waved at her
"Hi Jin" she waved back and smiled
"So the new dessert is yours?"
"Congratulations. From what I know People liked it"
"Yeah. I can see. Pretty suprising actualy"

"I dont think you should be suprised. They said your dessert is really good " another voice interupted Namjoon's voice actualy
"Thanks.. um"
"My name's Namjoon. I'm Jin hyungs friend"
"Nice to meet you then. Namjoon"

"Oh hi Namjoon" Jihyo smiled
"Hi Jihyo. How are you" He smiled showing is dimpled
"Good. And thanks again for repairing the tyre last week"
"Nothing much"
"Well, how about a treat? One of the new dessert. As thank you. Because I didnt give a proper thank you"

"Is it ok? To just give me the new dessert?"
"Welp, i dont think jisoo  unnie mind so yeah"
"Well thank you then"

"Hey Namjoon lets sit I already got mine" Jin called for Namjoon and gestured him to come with him

"Im coming just a sec"
"Here Namjoon. Thanks again"

Jihyo come over to him and kissed his left cheek

"Enjoy your food" She smiled at him
"Y-yeah. T-thanks again f-for this. See ya later."
"Yeah. Bye" they waved at each other and parted ways

{Jinsoo: when namhyo were talkin}

"You know what" Jin looked at Jisoo
"Namjoon is right. Even I liked your Sweet angel and I don't even tasted it yet"
"You're just being nice"
"Then? What's the reason youre being too nice with me?"
"I just like you, ok?"
"As friend right?"

Even tho Jisoo her self asked that question she could not feel anything but sadness towards the men she just met few days ago

"No, I like you more than just a friend. As a lover. So If you dont mind. Can you considerate being my girlfriend?"
"Oh....." theres a sudden silence before Jisoo speak.
"Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend"

At first Jin thought Jisoo don't like him and would decline so when Jisoo said yes he was taken aback not beliving what he just heard

"You serious?" "Yeah"
"Thank you" Jin couldnt(?) help but smile widely at the fornt of him
"So this is our first day or what?" Jisoo asked him
"I guess you say that" She smiled and gigled

"Hey Jisoo how 'bout a dinner together? When your not busy"
"Sure. I'll text you when"
"Good. Ill better take a seat and not bother you"
"Eh? Youre not bothering me tho. But yeah, take a sit I bet youre tired of standing right"
"Kinda so goodbye?"
"Nope but is See You later"
"See you later then chicu"
"See you later jinnie"


Sorry for not updating but i seem to notice the gloom on readers... please can you guys not be a silent readers? You guys dont even vote or comment.. Kinda makes me sad tho..
Oh, and When you guys read this does adds come out? Tell me if it does

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