Mya + Niall

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*Zayn’s POV*

            I was lounging on the couch of Niall and I’s flat. We were sharing one since we got back to London. Looking through twitter, I couldn’t believe how supportive and love our fans give us. It was amazing and I was trying to get back to as many people as possible.

            I looked up from my phone when I saw Niall entering the living room.  He seemed a bit bored as he turned on the TV and sat on the other end of the couch.    

            “Hey want to do something?” I asked him. He looked over at me and smiled.

            “Yea sure, but what?” He inquired. I thought for a minute. I knew the other lads had gone out shopping before either of us had even woken up and neither of us really needed new clothes, as we had gone out shopping yesterday. Maybe the park and ice cream?

            “How about we go to the park and get ice cream or something?” His face immediately brightened.

                "The park?" His face scrunched up a bit.

                 "Yes the park! You'll have fun! Plus amazing things happen at parks!" I defended.

            “Whatever! Oh yea, uh well could we maybe invite Mya too?” He stuttered a bit as a blushed crept up his face. I smirked at him.

            “Sure! Just text her to come.” He made a little squeak of excitement as he went to grab his phone.

            Mya was one of our greatest friends, with the whole band. She was so energetic, kind and fun loving. She’s always there to talk to or just for some laughs to cheer you up.

            I loved hanging out with Mya! We always had the greatest times together and end up doing the craziest of things. All the lads love having her around and we always make sure to keep in touch whenever were touring.

            Though Niall has got himself a bit of a crush, or possibly bigger than that. He never stops talking about her and whenever they text he always just smiles at his phone. He’s been dying to see her for days. I wish he would tell her already so they could get together.

            Niall came back skipping into the room and I laughed at his jaunty little walk.

            “She’s coming!” He cracked a big grin on his face. I smiled and grabbed my coat as we headed towards the park.

            It wasn’t a long walk, about fifteen minutes to the park from our flats. The second we got into the park I noticed Mya. She was sitting on the park bench. She had a flowy sundress on and red flats, her dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She smiled and waved us over. Niall ran leaving me behind and engulfed her in a Horan hug.

            “Hey! So how you guys doing?” She asked. I was about to answer, but Niall cut me off.

            “We’ve been great! A little bit stressful now and then, with touring and other stuff. Plus I’ve really really missed you! But it’s great now that were here with you!” He bounced around excited. Mya smiled and Niall grabbed her hand and ran off towards the swings. I sighed to myself, he should just tell her.

            I went over to the swings to see them both cracking up and chatting away. Niall was pushing Mya on one of the swings and I just smiled. They were adorable they would make a perfect couple.  

            “Hey Zayn! I’m going to get us some ice cream want anything?” Niall asked.

            “Just a bottle of water would be good!” I replied and he went to cross the street to the ice cream shop. I walked over to wear Mya was still on the swings.

            “Hey so you and Niall seem to be having fun,” I commented. She began to blush a bit and described, “Uh yea he’s really nice and funny! He was telling me about the time Louis and him tried to toast Pop tarts.” She smiled at the thought.

            “Oh well you know Niall likes you, a lot. Like more than just how the lads and I like you.”

            “Really?” she asked a bit timid as though I were making it up.

            “Are you kidding? He did a little happy walk when you said you were coming and he always talks about how amazing you are or what you’ve done, even when the rest of us were there with you guys. He’s practically head over heels for you!” I assured her. Her features lit up and her smile was from ear to ear.I assured her. 

I was about to continue when Niall bounded over to us and gave out our ice creams. We all chatted for a bit and cracked some jokes, when Mya’s phone went off so she walked away to answer it. Niall just stared at her and smiled lost in his thoughts.

“You know you should ask her out right?” I insisted. He broke out of his thoughts and looked at me nervously. “Uh well she probably doesn’t like me like that or she would just want to stay friends or something.”

“Niall trust me on this. Just ask her! I’m sure she will not turn you down and think of how happy you will be!” He chewed nervously on his lips weighing his choices in his head before sighing.


*Niall’s POV*

          As Mya made her way over towards us Zayn gave me a squeeze on the shoulder and went over towards the benches.

            “Hey everything alright?” she asked. I smiled and nodded. She sat down in the swing next to me. She was so amazing in every single way! Her light brown skin and perfect smile. Some people say brown eyes are boring, not Mya’s! They are the most beautiful shade of brown in the world. We got along so well and she was energetic and bubbly like me! She always got my dumb jokes and laughs .

            “Hey so uh Mya” I fiddled with my hands nervously, “Well I think you’re really pretty and nice and funny and uh and spectacular! I could spend days with you and not ever be bored! We have so much in common and you're alway there for me when I'm upset or just need some cheering up on a bad day or even if I just want to talk to you! You care about everyone and I don't know what I would do without you in my life. You’re just so kind and I love being with you and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?” I stuttered and looked up to meet her eyes.

            “Yes of course!” She exclaimed while pulling me into a huge hug. I sighed with relief and then I could feel huge smile on my face. The most amazing girl in the whole world is my girlfriend! Could this get any better? I jumped up and started doing a mini happy dance. I pulled her up and twirled her around and we both burst out in laughter.

                   We both stared into eachother's eyes lovingly for a moment before leaning in to meet eachother's lips. Today was the best day ever. I guess Zayn was right, amazing things do happen at parks

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