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I stand behind the currently shut oak doors, awaiting my call.

"This year, we have a new student joining us. She will be starting her fifth year and will be sorted shortly. I expect you all to treat her as one of yourself with dignity and compassion."

Dumbledore's voice seems muffled, like he's talking across string phones. I remember doing that with Rosie and mum. I would rather be anywhere but here. Anywhere. But I can't escape this. And that hurts my heart.

The doors swing open – I swing them open. You ask – they're huge...! How did you -? I say – Magic. In my hands.

I feel a couple thousand pairs of eyes looking at me. Definitely not uncomfortable.

I walk towards the front, my head held high. I can still appear to be confident even though I'm not. I stare fixedly at Dumbledore; his small smile being my only sense of reassurance now.

"Please welcome Celestia Morgana," Dumbledore clasps his hands together. I dismiss the gasps and sharp intakes of breaths that follow with a shrug. "Please come up here for your sorting, Miss Morgana."

The stool isn't the comfiest, nor the nicest being old and creaky due to the amount of people who rest their bottoms on it every year.

The Sorting hat is gently placed onto my head; I choose to focus on the intricate carvings on the oak doors instead of the sea of students gazing intently at me. Like a group of predators looking at prey. I dismiss that thought. I am not a prey.

"Ah, finally," the hat screeches. I have a slight urge to over my ears. "How long have I been waiting for you dear. How very long. Let's see now. You would do well in all houses I dare say."

"Well, choose," says Professor McGonagall tartly. There's a ripple of chuckles.

"You are very much like your mother. Creative. Witty. A thirst for knowledge. Oh, and ambition. Oh ho! How much of it fills you. And a natural leader. I know just whom you get that from."


"He walked these very corridors and dined in this hall. He –"

"Enough," asserts Professor McGonagall. The hat was talking about my father. I was darn sure about that.

"Yes, yes back to you dear Celestia... so where to put you?"

I wonder if the hat had fallen asleep – it was there on my head for at least ten minutes, muttering things to itself. I felt like giving it a knock, like hello? My bottom hurts. I would like to get out of here.


The hat is lifted off my head as I – finally – get off that stool. I recommend a cushion. Perhaps a nice purple. That would give it a royal look.

I am greeted by loud gushes of cheering and outstretched hands as I step down the stairs. The Slytherins are on the table, clinking glasses with spoons, chanting "we got Morgana!" over and over like a mantra – shoving it in other houses' faces.

I catch Luna's eye – she was smiling – and give her a nod. She waves at me.

I do get a chance to sit down; that's only after Dumbledore calls order. The fest begins and so many people try talking to me, I almost run out the hall.

"Personal space, geez!" I sigh. I hear a faint laugh and look up. Sat opposite me is a girl with black waist-length hair and a welcoming smile. [teal.]

"People really do need to learn a lesson, don't they?" she laughs. I smile a little and nod. "I'm Carina, Carina Lestrange." She winces. Something flickers in my stomach. I mask it with a smile.

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