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Michael POV

I have a photoshoot today and I don't know why I feel uncomfortable they gave me a new photographer and he's mean to me I didn't do nothing to nobody ...I want my old one back he was always nice to me so I'm trying my best to get him back

Jacob POV

Looks like Michael wanted to cry he doesn't like his new photographer so he's teying to get his old one back cause the new one is so mean to him i did him a favor and contacted him he was happy to hear that Michael wanted him back and his label will bring him back and fire the new one he only using him for his money anyway

End of photoshoot

Michael POV

I'm so glade it's over I really want to cry yo he said some hurtful things to me

Jacob POV

I came to check on Michael and he's crying

Jacob: Are you OK

Michael: No

Jacob: Babe it's OK ....i know he was mean to you

Michael: I just want my old photography to come back

Jacob: i know and i did you a favor

Michael: What you mean

He walkee in and michael got so excited to see him

Jacob: i did you a favor and contacted him ...he was happy to hear that you wanted him back so he took the offer

Michael: Ahh thank you that really means a lot to me

Jacob: i know

Michael was happy that Jacob did that for him ..he really cared about his feelings and the new photography got fired he got upset that he showed his true colors and was banned completely

Jacob: well since you have him back ...go out there and kill it he's waiting on you

Michael: I will and thank you

Jacob: your welcome

Michael kissed him and this time he wasn't uncomfortable he was happy and everything went by smoothly

An hour later

Jacob POV

I had fallen asleep while michsel finished up and then I felt myself being lifted i already knew it was Michael

Michael POV

Ahh my baby fell asleep so I picked him up and walked to the car it's been a long day and that meant alot to me what he did for me I really had a grrat time the memories anyway I started the car up and went home to get out the clothes and into something comfortable

Jacob felt him being put in the bed and Michael heading to the shower

Jacob POV

I woke up and heard Michael in the I got up and went to another bathroom to shower ahh the hot water felt so good yo I swear it did once I finished i laid back down and went to sleep

Michael was brushing his teeth and rinise his mouth out ...then he washed his face...then he walked out the bathroom

Michael: Jacob scoot over

Jacob was on his side of the bed and scooted over

Jacob: Sorry

Michael: it's OK goodnight

He turned the light off and they went to sleep

Next Morning

Jacob POV

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