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Jacob POV

Michael is having a sleepover I swear he acts like a kid but that's ok he's cute when he acts like that

Michael POV

I am having a sleepover and it was a lot of fun Jacob brought us popcorn and y'all know how I am when I have popcorn

Jacob: popcorn is ready

They got so excited that they popcorn was ready and watched a movie as well...Michael was already finished with his popcorn

Jacob went upstairs to clean up while Michael is downstairs with the others

Jacob POV

I am upstairs cleaning up while the others are downstairs man today has been a long day I'm gone need a nap after this yo

Once he finished cleaning up he took a 🚿 and went to sleep afterwards

Michael told everyone bedtime and they went upstairs

Michael POV

I came back to the room to see Jacob asleep ahh he's so cute so I closed the door and got in bed as well goodnight everyone

He turned the light off and they have falling asleep

Next Morning

Michael POV

Everyone went home I had an amazing time that's when Jacob came downstairs ahh look at my baby he's so cute when he wakes up in the morning

Jacob POV

I came downstairs and came to the kitchen to see Michael

Michael: Morning

Jacob: Morning(morning voice)

Michael: thanks for last night

Jacob: your welcome where are they kids they are quiet

Michael: Janet took them to Disneyland

Jacob: ok

He went back upstairs to wash his face and brush his teeth might as well get his day started

Jacob POV

I came upstairs to wash my face and brush my teeth might as well get my day started even though I don't to but oh well let's see how it goes

He walked out and found some clothes to wear for today then he picked out some shoes and he was fully dressed

Michael: you look handsome

Jacob: thanks

Michael loves when Jacob dress in all denim it suites him very well

Michael: I know you don't want to get your started

Jacob: I don't but it's ok

Michael: well you ready for our date

Jacob: yes

They walked out and went on their date it was a lot of fun ...Jacob had a lot of fun

They enjoy going on dates and spending time together are memories they want to treasure forever

Michael POV

I enjoy our dates together moments like these I want to enjoy and remember forever I'm just glade that we are starting back going on dates ...every since we had kids we don't do it often but this one was very special to me

Jacob POV

Every since we had kids we don't go on dates often but this one was special and one I want to treasure forever ....but we had a good time

Michael: well I am hungry now

Jacob: I know let's sit here

Michael went to get them some food and Jacob just got in his phone

Michael: Here you go

Jacob: thanks

They had a good conversation full of laughter talking about all the memories they shared together and when they first met or Got together

Jacob: I had a good time

Michael: I did too ... you ready to go

Jacob: yes let's go

They got in the car and went home after a wonderful date...but it went down when they got home

Night time

Jacob POV

I just finished washing dishes and Michael went back out to go get the kids so now I am brushing my teeth getting ready for bed

Michael POV

I pulled up to my mom house and got out car ahhh look at my babies they are so cute I thanked my mother and Janet since she was here as well and we were on our way home

He started the car back home and they were on their way back home to sweet Neverland that they love and adore so much

Michael: Jacob made it home

Jacob: ok I'm upstairs

He went to take the kids a bath and put them to bed then he walked into their bedroom

Jacob: did the kids have fun

Michael: they did(took his jacket and hat off) I'm going to 🚿

Jacob: ok

He started the 🚿 and washed up it has been a long day once he finished he brushed his teeth and got in bed

Michael: Goodnight

Jacob: goodnight

They kissed turned the light off and had falling asleep

A week later

Jaco POV

The kids are in school and I am at home my depression has been kicking my ass lately and I have been trying to fight it and not let it get to me but it got the best of me but no matter what it won't stop me for doing what I have to do for my family

Michael POV

Jacob depression has really been getting to him he's been fighting it for months but it got the best Of him the only things is he won't let it stop him from doing what he has to do for his family and I respect that very much

Jacob: Michael

Michael: Yes

Jacob: Paris teacher just called and says she has a fever but she doesn't want to miss school

Michael; Alright I'll go up there and get her

Jacob: ok

He told her teacher that his husband is coming to get her and Paris was upset cause she didn't want to miss school

Michael: Paris I know your upset but everyone doesn't need to get sick

Paris nods her head and he signed her out then they were on their way back home

Michael: go rest up I'll make you some soup

He went to go make her some soup and made sure it wasn't to hot for she doesn't burn her tongue

Michael: Here opens up

He feed her soup and she didn't like the taste of it but she had to eat it to get better

After a long day the kids came home did homework and everyone went to bed

Jacob: goodnight(kissed Michael forehead and went to sleep)

He turned the light off laid down and had falling asleep next to Michael who wanted to cuddle

Next chapter is coming

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