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Michael POV

I was at the studio and I wanted Jacob to come and see me when I'm in the studio

Jacob POV

Michael wanted me to come to see him how he do when he's in the studio and he sounds the same even on tour his voice is just beautiful ahhh I love to hear him sing then that's when I smelt food ahh our food is here so I went to the back and just sat there until Michael get finished

Michael was finished Recording and his manger went home for the day since he has a family emergency

Michael: Babe I'm done

Jacob: ok and I order us food

Michael: No wonder I was smelling something good

Jacob: I know here you go

He sat down and Jacob gave him his food

Michael: Thanks

Jacob: your welcome and you sound amazing

Michael: Thank you

Jacob: your welcome but let's eat

They ate and had a good conversation after that Michael lead ready to go home

Michael: well I'm ready to go and knock out

Jacob: well it is getting dark out so let's go

They got in Jacob car and went home cause Michael was tired from recording all day at the studio

Gate of Neverland

Jacob POV

We finally made it home and Michael has falling asleep ahh he's so cute that when I woke him up

Michael POV

Jacob woke me up and said that we made it home finally so we got out the car and walked in the house it felt so good in here

Jacob: feels so good in here

Michael: I know I'm heading to the 🚿

Jacob: ok

He locked the door and Michael went upstairs to 🚿

Jacob turn the porch light on and then he went to 🚿 soon Michael got out then Michael fell asleep once he hit the bed he was tired out

Jacob POV

This 🚿 felt amazing cause of the hot water once I was finished I got out dried of and brushed my teeth then I walked out the bathroom I saw Michael asleep so I laid down next to him and turn around on the other side I closed my eyes and went to 😴 that's when I felt arms around me Michael pulled me closer to him ahh my baby loves to cuddle

Michael POV

I felt Jacob getting in bed and I pulled him closer to me cause I wanted to cuddle he was so warm and soft anyway goodnight from us we love you guys goodnight

Jacob got in bed climbed over Michael to turn the light off and went to sleep next to Michael

A week later

Jacob POV

Life has been good and been treating me so well I'm loving it

Michael POV

Life has been treating Jacob very well and I'm proud to hear that

Jacob: life is so good

Michael: I know glade to hear that life is treating you well

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