Chapter 4

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Simple moments, simple pleasures

Time: it shifts like sands and seas

-Months pass-

One would think being a princess was as easy as anything could be. Arianna learned, painfully, that gaining friends was not as easy as she had read in books. Yes, she had her sisters and Hannah, who was Tigerlily's roommate, and of course Daisy. However, she felt a definite stiffening, and sometimes silence, when she entered the commons or even the library. It troubled Arianna.

Daisy had no concerns, so she was no help at all. She made friends effortlessly. When Arianna was not with Daisy those same silent students would easily laugh and play. Tigerlily and Daffodil said it would take time. They advised that she would soon get the knack of determining who would make a loyal friend, and who was not worth the effort. Still, she worried and worried over it, just as one would repeatedly stroke a stone in the pocket.

One cool day, in late summer, Arianna sat alone under the trees, seemingly enjoying the gentle breeze and green scented commons. A group of first years happily played a ball game (there is no such game in the current year, so it does no good to elaborate: It had all sorts of rules for points and could become quite rowdy.) A game Arianna was never invited to play.

Ivan chanced by and sat down to greet her.

"My lady," he began, then seeing a tear fall from her cheek, he took her hand. "What happened?"

Dropping her head in shame, she collected herself and wiped her face. Looking up again, she smiled a bit crookedly and replied, "Just a bit of self-pity."

Over his shoulder, Clay looked their way. He paused a moment and then headed to the far corner, where the other two princesses waited for him. They were fast friends and often went on picnics together. Arianna got invited, sometimes, but she felt like an afterthought, the little tag-along sister. She mused that she was almost as disdained as Clarissa was by Clay.

Ivan stood with such grace he stunned her. He pulled her up as he said, "Come with me. I have something to show you."

"But what about Clay and. . . " she waved in their general direction.

"They can get along without me."

The pair walked back inside toward the dining hall, then Ivan opened a Window of Light and pulled Arianna through. The greenery of the jungle enchanted her, but it was the warm, gentle caress of the humid air which felt like a hug that soothed her.

"Where is this?" Arianna spun about in a circle; taking in the orchids and undergrowth. Small animals and colorful birds went about their life undisturbed. The musical hum of the jungle captivated and brought a smile, which Ivan cherished.

"My secret hideaway," Ivan answered, amazed at his own boldness in bringing her. "We are in the Amazon Rainforest, though it does not have that name just yet."

She must have looked perplexed as he continued, "'Tis across the ocean in the southern hemisphere. I have visited alternate realities in my Dream studies; explorers in the 1500's eventually name this the Amazon."

Arianna wondered why he brought her, not that she minded; it was glorious. Arianna absolutely adored trees and greenery. "What do you do here?"

He walked a few steps and sat down on a fallen tree, patting a space beside him. Joining him, she saw that they now faced the river which was a considerable distance away. The sun filtered through the trees making the ripples sparkle and dance upon the surface.

Ivan replied, "I come here to gather peace."

Arianna understood. The woods were her comfort, they soothed her.

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