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The creature tore through the woods, bushes and small trees alike being flattened beneath its giant claws. Its tail swung wildly as it ran, sending broken branches flying in all directions. Behind it, a large van followed closely, swerving to try and avoid the flying debris.

Tom's senses were heightened, advanced by the monster's body he possessed. He could feel the pounding heartbeat of the driver, and the slow one of the passenger. The passenger bleeding slowly.

Fuck, Tom thought as he skidded to a complete halt. A large jut in rocks towered before him, making escape near impossible. Spying a low rock, he leapt up, scrabbling for any purchase on the boulders. Turning around, he saw the van come to a near screeching stop, the drivers door swinging open and slamming shut. A man in a red hoodie stepped out, the form of a rifle in his hands. Tom was instantly filled with panic and adrenaline, turning back to the smooth rocks. He placed his claw in a crevice, hoping it would be enough to help him get up. Shouts filled the small clearing, and he turned his head to see a group of men piecing together a large net gun. As he turned back to his escape, Tom realized that his claws were slipping. Trying his hardest to gain any traction, he felt his legs give out below him, sending him tumbling back down to the ground. He hit the forest floor hard, knocking the breath from his chest.

Just as he tried to right himself, a loud bang sounded through the area, and the monster looked up just in time to see the massive net coming towards him. The net wrapped around his ankles, sending him painfully back to the ground. Thrashing in the confines of the net, the headlights of the van dimmed slightly, obscured by the form of a man standing over him. Unknowingly, Tom was wearing himself out, just as the man had expected. Roaring loudly, he bit down on the seemingly nylon net, only for his jaws to get entangled in the strings.

This can't be it.. Tom thought, staring directly up at the man. Staying still for a moment, the man stared back at his singular eye, and smirked. He brought the gun up to his shoulder and peered through the scope, aiming for Tom. The monster squeezed its eye shut and whimpered, turning its head away, begging for mercy. The man pulled the trigger, the dart flying out with a nearly unnoticeable sound. It stuck into the monsters flank, instantly releasing a strong tranquilizer. The monster roared in protest, loud enough that the red clad man had to back up and cover his ears. It thrashed even harder than before, legs swinging wildly. Slowly but surely, its movements came to a stop and the monster slept.

The man called out and the back doors of the van opened and a small group of armor clad men filed out, surrounding the still creature. They lifted the monster by the net, heaving towards the back of the van. The back doors slammed shut as the man started the van up again and drove off into the night.

Cargo secured.

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