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The day Tord had seen the newspaper, he knew it would be his obsession.


The beast obviously had to be caught, to protect the people and all. But Tord could see the potential in a beast like that on the Red Army's side. He studied the blurry image on the front of the newspaper carefully. Tord couldn't quite see its anatomy from where it was, looming ominously over three teenagers. The picture was hard to see, as it was taken from a dark room, the only light coming from the streetlamps and the person who had taken the picture was afraid. From what he could see, it was a large black beast with some purple scattered about on its body. He would need to get a better look.


Tord had gathered some materials he thought would be necessary. Some netting, tranquilizers and a small team of 5 men. His body buzzed with excitement. He had studied the patterns of appearance in the newspapers. It only seemed to appear on Fridays and weekends. It was Friday, and Tord felt like the beast would appear today.

He had that gut feeling, you know?

He sat in the driver's seat of the Foundation's large truck. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing noise and the beast emerged from the woods. It took one glance in Tord's direction and thundered the other way. Tord's foot slammed on the pedal and the van jerked forwards.

The beast was fast, something Tord had not expected considering it's size. He took mental notes of its size and what it looked like.

A large quadruped, with purple fur around its neck, protecting the throat. Two purple and black striped horns erupted form the sides of its head, coming to a razor sharp spike. Its tail was thick and strong, the end coming to a thin, whiplike point. The tip was covered in fur, thought it still revealed the end of the tail. Its back legs were smaller in comparison to its front legs. The front legs were obviously strong and could probably toss their van around like a pebble. Tord needed to see its face so he could get a report in ASAP. He pressed to gas pedal down as far as it would go, coming up to the side of the beast. All he needed was a few more feet and he could deploy the net.

So... close...

Suddenly the beast took a sharp left turn and left Tord flying straight into a tree.

I will not fail again, Tord thought to himself as the airbag deployed in his face.

He couldn't be more wrong.


Even though Tord was ranked pretty high in the Red Army and it was very powerful, that didn't mean he could get all his equipment for free. The higher ups (which were very few) started to get agitated with Tord's failures. He had crashed 2 trucks, lost 3 men and 1 other doctor to his "adventures" as the higher ups called them. Tord was given one more chance to capture the beast and prove himself worthy. Otherwise, he would be demoted to a lower class and someone else would be taking over his work and plans. Someone else would capture his prize.

He would not fail.


This was it. Tord's last chance at capturing the beast and proving himself worthy to be in his position. He created a better plan this time. Tord would wait with his assistant doctor, a truck full of 7 men and all the things he needed to capture the beast, hidden in the forest where the creature was usually spotted. Then he would chase it to a large cliff where it couldn't escape. Then he would capture it and everyone would love him. At least, that was his goal.

His assistant was Dr.M, a trustworthy friend he had since he became part of the Red Army. Dr.M was less an assistant, and more of a best friend to Tord. No one else really liked him. They all feared him. He'd graduated top of his class in training, Dr. M close behind him. Everyone expected Tord to become part of the army, to go fiercely into battle and kill hundreds with his skills. Then he proceeded to surprise everyone by following Dr. M into the Foundation. He may have been the best of his class, but he wanted to be with Dr. M. She was his partner in the training and he instantly became attached to her. He knew that she didn't want to fight, but be a part of the Foundation. So he followed her.

A loud sound broke him out of his recollection. A familiar crashing sound he knew well.

The beast came to a halt in front of the van, stopped in its tracks like a deer in headlights. Tord moved slowly towards the gas pedal, aiming to crash into the creature and stop it, then take it back to the Foundation. The beast noticed Tord's slight movements, and bolted. Tord was right behind it. He then found it increasingly difficult to swerve out of the way of the debris that came from the beast's tail. Tord pressed harder on the pedal. His plan was falling into action.

It all came crashing down when the thick tail whacked a dead branch towards the van. Time slowed down as the branch crashed through the window, as it came inches from Tord's face. The branch glided through the air, almost gracefully. Then, to its final destination. Dr. M. Time sped up again as the branch pierced Dr. M's shoulder, pinning her to the back of the van wall. She screeched in agony and Tord screamed in fear. He could do nothing. He couldn't stop now.

But oh,

He was going to murder that monster.


The next events passed quickly. The monster stopping in front of the cliff, stuck. Tord grabbed the net gun and pulled the trigger. Success. The monster was trapped. He went around back of the van, told one of the men about Dr. M, and grabbed a tranquilizer gun. As he raised the scope to his eye, he saw the beast. It was scrambling frantically, trying to free itself. Then it turned it one eye towards Tord. He almost felt sorry for it.



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