the monster and the sister

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You woke up covered in goo, you quickly got up and looked around it was dark,cold and it echos it was the upside down you started walking calling for will and el but there was no response "will Jane help me"you screamed you were than interrupted by that monster he came closer band closer you tried to scream but your body was frozen so you ran,you ran as fast as you could the monster was far behind but you kept running you where at the edge of Hawkins that's when you saw a glowing light you walked over to it,it was a gate to Hawkins you could hear and see  the monster so you opened the gate enough for you to get through and you did but you kept running you knew the monster was coming
You had been running and walking for 60 minutes you were tired and you need food you were well out if Hawkins your were near Chicago about 1 hour walk you had to stop so you made yourself a bed and black out
It was the next day you needed food and Chicago wasn't that far so you walk you had no money so you and to steal,you arrived in Chicago and you walked in this small shop you had found a box of eggos,some water and some bandages for you cuts and bruises as you where collecting the stuff a gang walked in the where dressed in black they had werid hair styles and weapons you had to get out of there
"Give me you money"one said
"I'm calling the police"the cashier said
You new this was your chance to get out but before you could the cashier caught you
"Hey girl why are you stealing from me give me those back"you shook you head
"Hand it over"he said has she grabbed your arm you had no choice you needed the food and water so you controlled him
"Let me go" you said as you looked me dead in the eye
He had let you go,
"You have to pay for those" he  said "your a criminal your pshyso" he screamed
You hated that word it's what the people In the lab called you
You where so mad that you forced him to a wall
"Never call me that again" you yelled
Then you realised you where being stared at
"Crazy"one said
"KALI"one yelled
Then this girl with a dark skin  tone and purple hair walked out
"She's like you she's special" the other one said
"Ok,what's your number kid"kali said
You backed away
"Leave me alone"you said
"Who are you" kali said again
You then used your powers to form Ring of fire around you
"Put it out"kai yelled
So you did
Then she grabbed your wrist and pulled up your sleeve 010 it said
"010" she simply said
"Y/n that's my real name"you said
"I'm 008"kali Said as she pulled up her sleeve

"Sister"you said
"Sister,come with me "she replied
You followed her to a van
Soon enough you where down the road you and short but meaningful conversations with kali you don't remember her but it's like who have know her forever
*At the hidout*
"So Brenner got you twice" she said you just replied with a yes
"What are your powers"one that was named Dottie asked
" Mind reading,mind cntrol, elements, telekinesis,and telepathy I only just got that one though"you said
"Wow your special"axel said
"I was the most used subject besides eleven"
"I opened the gate again. But I closed it then I got stuck in the upside down got out and now I'm here"you said as your read Mick's mind
"Wow"Mick said
"Go get some rest"kali said "you might need it"

You followed kali to this room and you blackout as soon as you got the pillows

You ended up in the dream circle

"Hello" you called out

"She's gone,shes dead y/n is dead she never coming back I loved her but you had to yell at her,if you didn't tell at her she wouldn't have been in the junk yard she wouldn't have been taken by the lab,the gate wouldn't have been opened and she wouldn't have to close it AND THEN DIE SHE GONE ALL BECAUSE IF YOU MIKE ITS ALL YOU FREAKIN FALUT!will yelled

"Will I'm not dead" you screamed
"Will"you yelled
"Y/n"someone said
You turned around and it was Jane you ran up to her
"I'm ok"Yous said
"Where are you"you asked
"I'm at wills he is yelling at him self about Mike"Jane said
"I want will"you said
"Ok"that's call she said
Soon you heard wills voice again
"I loved her I still do but shes dead Jane"will said as he got his walkman
You saw him grabbed it you knew you could talk to him
"Will I'm here"you simply replied
"Y/n are you okay where are you are you safe"will yelled
"I'm oK I will be back will I promise but my connection is fading goodbye will"you said as you woke up with blood stains in your shirt
You had to go home
You closed your eyes again to see that the gate had opened again you must not have closed it properly now the monsters are free.
You where then woken up by kali
"You need to train today com one"she said you followed her to this parking lot it had a train,axel in the middle of the lot and gasses
"You will become stronger today"Kali's said
"You will become a warrior. And will have to fight for your life" she said you just nodded have no clue what the hell was about to happen to you or Hawkins.

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