the return and kiss

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The gate was closed you had used all your engery to close it you slowly got up and the lift rose up, you walked out the labs doors and walk you wanted to go back to the school you wanted to make sure everyone was safe
You arrived at the school,there was shattered glass,dead bodies both human and monsters and a whole lot of blood you quickly remembered will and the party you quickly ran through the halls shouting for your friends you then ran to gym tears started to fill your eyes and then flow down your cheeks,you leaned against to wall and quitely sobbed into your knees you wanted your friends you wanted your family
"Y/n where are you"you yelled across the halls "y/n" you quickly got up and ran to where the sound was coming from "y/n where are you" you where getting closer to the sound you turn the corner to see your parents "mum dad"you yelled
You parents quickly turned around and ran to you and have you a hug "where were you"your mother said "are you alright"your father said
You just nodded and followed them to the car there was police and ambulance everywhere, everyone was staring at you you knew blood was all over your face but you didn't care you just got into the car
The whole ride was silent expect for the radio playing
"Monsters had appeared to have taken over hawkins"said the radio host
"Over 50 people dead and 91 injured"
"The monsters had appeared to be gone now there is no trace of them and what world where they from"
"Maybe there from the lab" your father said
"Maybe but why were they in Hawkins"your mother said
You just stayed silent as the car parked into the drive way you just got out and ran up to your room and through your self onto your bed and quickly sobbed you could hear your parents talk you didn't know if it was a fight or just a normal talk
"What could have happened to her"you mum screamed
"How should I know she not even our real daughter I know nothing about her"you dad yelled
"She went missing for 2weeks weren't you worried"your mum said
"Not really I mean she has powers for god sake plus she dangerous"you father yelled
You wanted all the yelling to stop more tears ran down your face you looked over to your click that read 3:15 then over to your window you just wanted to escape to madnass Rightnow where you better of with kali
You quickly got up and locked your door and put your pillows under your sheets,got your bag and a hoodie and climbed out your window,you quickly ran out of your yard before your parents could notice you.
You wanted to just be alone I mean you had been closing a gate,and bene in a werid dimension and a fight was making it worse,you where so distracted in your thoughts you didn't see the 5 people ride Infront of you "get of the road"one yelled
You just stuck the finger up at them ,you then looked up it realised it was the party you quickly ran near them
"Jane,el"you screamed
"Max,Dustin"you yelled
They had stopped their bikes and turned around to you there faces lite up then Jane came running to you you ran to her and hugged her "your alive"she said "mhm"you replied as tears fell
"Where the hell where you"Mike said
"Did you close the gate"Dustin said
"Where you in the upside down"Lucas asked
"Are you alright"max simply said you just nodded your head
"Where are you guys going"you said
"To wills"max said
Your face had lighten up
"Can I have your bike"you asked el she just nodded and got on the back of mikes you then quickly road of
You arrived at the Byers and you ran to the front door and quickly Knocked soon after Mrs Byers opened the door
"Can I help you"she asked
"I'm y/n where so will"you said nearly out of breath
"Y/n...i thought you were dead i thought you lab got you or the upside down"she said in shock
"No,is will home"you said again
"He is in Castle Byers"she said
"Thankyou"you said you quickly ran into the forest you knew where castle Byers was you were so happy to see will
You where so close to the fort
You stopped running you had lost all your breath you sat down near a tree and then you heard a crackling like static noise it was your walkman you quickly got it out
"Y/n it's will its been a while I'm just making sure that you are okay"he said
"Will I'm okay"you said
"Y/n"he said
You quickly got up you could see the fort in the distance
"I'm fine will trust me"
You quickly put your walkman in your bag then you saw a figure come out if the fort it was will you just stood there staring your heart rate quicken and a smile grew across your face
The figure than noticed you
"Y/n"he yelled
"Will"you screamed back
You then walk over to will and he did the same smiles grew across your faces and tears I.
Your eyes
"Your alive"he said
"I am I okay will I'm was safe it was you that wasn't"you said
"I called you"he said
"I heard I couldn't reply I was in the upside down and Chicago with my other sister"you said
"Other sister"he asked confused
"Yeah she kinda took me here I needed to save Yous"you said
"You closed the gate"
"Yep"you replied
You where then in a hug with will you quickly hugged him back as tears ran down your face
"I missed you will"
"So did I"
"I love you"he said
"Me too"
You both broke the hug than looked into omeach others eyes and than his lips were against yours you felt so happy and your safe for now.

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