Chapter One 182

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~One Week Later~

{Kellin's POV}

'This is for the kids with the beatin in lips, whose parents try to shut them up using their fists! Keep living loud and pro-'

The car came to a halt and my parents turned to face me. Father's face held anger while my mother's was blank. "Get out of the car and grab your stuff. Now!" My dad yelled at me often so I wasn't to startled.

Once I got my bags out of the car I went to say good bye but, the tires were already skidding on the paved road in the distance.

"Love you too" I muttered to myself. I guess it's time to find out who my room mate is! After going to registration and the main office where I found out my room number. I headed across campus to the building.

Ok 179... 180... 181... Ah 182! I could see a blink of a glow from under the door and could here the buzz of music being played so my roommate must already be here! I softly knocked and heard some shuffling from the other side of the door. As the door slowly opened I found myself starring.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, I quickly looked down a blush finding its way onto my cheeks. "Hey I'm Vic" he said cheerfully. "K-Kellin" I stuttered damn it! I kept my gaze on my feet.

"Well Kellin come, in make yourself at home cause you'll be here for a while" he chuckled nervously" anyways these will be your things" he said gesturing to a bed, desk and closet located on the left side of the room.

"Okay thanks I'll just quickly unpack"

[Vic's POV]




Oh that must be my roommate! I turned off my music and struggled to get to the door quickly.

I opened the door and it felt like my heart stopped. Oh my god he's gorgeous but, no I'm not gay. He just kept starring at me so I cleared my throat to try and get his attention. "Hey I'm Vic" I tried to sound cheerful but, I sounded so stupid. Ugh. "K-Kellin" Awww he stuttered that was so adorable, no stop it Vic, pull yourself together man.

After showing Kellin his stuff, he decided to unpack and I found myself watching him. I don't know what it was about him but, it felt so, so different.


I hope you enjoyed this update! If anyone ever reads this.

~Until next time my awkward potato flowers

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